Friday, December 3, 2010
Here's What We Are Going To Do
I wanted to begin by sharing this piece that I created for Week 6 of BIG, created by Dirty Footprints Studio. This is a deeply personal painting's huge and wonderful. I am very proud of this work as lots of love and passion went into it's creation.
Since I began the Thursday Sweet Treat, I have loved all of the creative souls I have met. There have been some amazing times and some tough times here and the entire time I have learned and loved in more ways than I ever imagined possible.
The time has come for the TST to change a bit. Before I began this, I was writing a blog called Creativenachos. I have gone back and forth between both for awhile but the time has come to combine these worlds. As I grow and change as an artist along with all of you, I feel it's only right that my blogs grow and change with me.
So, aside from the merger, I am going to change the way we do things on the TST a bit. I want to delve a little more into process so we not only see what we create but we learn more from one another as artists. It won't require a ton of work on your part just a new way of exploring this artistic journey together.
I will be closing the TST for a few weeks again in order to bring about the changes needed. I think it's ok to do that now as the end of the year can be crazy for everyone and this allows time to focus on relaxing, being with family and friends and gearing up for the new year ahead.
The TST will open again in mid-January. I will post more as I get closer to being ready and of course I will be posting off and on throughout the holidays. I will be in touch and it is my hope you will return next year for a whole lot more artistic fun. Also please check back as I will be teaching some new classes and I will be posting lots of info about them.
Much love to you and thank you for inspiring me to grow the TST and create something bigger than I imagined!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
How Do These Artists Share Love?
This week, I am in LOVE with the beautiful works these talented, professional artists created. Each one celebrates inspiration, blooming, the layers of love, poetry and love shared between two people. It's just wonderful! The work that I created was twofold - it was for a class I am in and for the TST. I have not revealed it in either place yet but will share it here tonight.
Please join me on a LOVEly journey....
Maureen, super talented artist, created this gorgeous piece.
"What can I say? Feeling "I love you" makes me feel like flowers blooming inside me . . .and any sense of gratitude, felt and/or expressed, also feels like beauty blooming. So, that's what got painted," said Maureen.
"I want to be sure to credit Amanda/PersistentGreen for being my artistic muse on this. A few months ago she showed me a new style she was trying, with abstracty flowers, brilliant colors, and black highlights. I was captivated. I'm trying to play with the ideas and make them my own, without copying her. For me, it's combining a sort of stained glass outlining, with the "loud" colors and flowery shapes."

Felicia Kramer, creator of Another Bright Idea and More Bright Ideas, created this stunning piece.
"I love texture, and with this piece I simply played with various textures, overlays, opacities to see what kind of effects I could get," said Felicia. "There’s about 6 layers here, I think. I topped it off with two lines from a poem by my favorite, e. e. Cummings."

Amanda, creator of Persistent Green, created this phenomenal Live Laugh Love, mixed media wall hanging, approximately 6 inches across.
"This week's theme made me think of a phrase that's been special to my husband and me for years now--Live, Laugh, Love," said Amanda. "The funny thing is that now the saying has become really popular; we see it in gift shops all the time (and often can't help buying pillows, plaques and all kinds of things with variations on the phrase). I couldn't resist making an artful object of my own!"

Now tell me, is your heart not full? Are you not madly in love??
Monday, November 29, 2010
Growing BIG
When I joined, I knew I would be creating paintings but even that word has taken on new significance in my life. My paintings are massive in size and in heart. I began having done little painting outside of art journaling, and now I wake every single day wanting to create, wanting to paint.
If you have an opportunity to take this course, I HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend it. It has been an incredible experience that is changing my life. My husband even commented that he was in awe of what a positive effect it was having on all of my life.
If you have a moment today, stop by Dirty Footprints Studio and check out some of the amazing art created by Connie - a truly remarkable artist who inspires me to no end - and that of my fellow FEARLESS painting Tribe members, all of whom I adore!
Sending you BIG love!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Something is Coming

Something exciting is on the horizon....I will be sharing this week.....anything exciting you'd like to share?
Monday, November 22, 2010
From My Heart to Yours
This Thursday is Thanksgiving, a day to give thanks for the many riches such as friends, family, food on the table and so on. We will not be playing as we will all be surely eating but this TST will be revealed on Thursday, December 2nd.
For this treat, I'd like you to do three things. First, turn on the song below and dance around. I mean it, get up from your chair and dance around your house with joy! Second, I'd like you to think about the words - I love you. How do those words apply to your life right now? Maybe you haven't taken care of yourself the way you would like and need to say, I Love you, to you or perhaps it brings the thought of someone in your life, a loved one, daughter, son, grandchild, friend, etc. Think about that person during Thanksgiving. Finally, give thanks for them and then create something new with them in mind.
Important Guidelines
The work submitted must be something you have created and/or worked on between the time the theme was revealed and the Thursday unveiling. Please submit your response to no later than end of day Wednesday, December 1st if you would like it to be posted on Thursday, December 2nd. OR send me a link to your response to include in the comments section of the post.
With your response please include:
1. Your name - either first name, shop name or both.
2. The name of your piece (if you choose to give it one)
3. Something you'd like to share (process of creation, idea behind piece) if you'd like to share anything. Please limit this to 2-3 sentences
4. The shop and/or blog links you'd like to include
5. Two photos of your piece or of each of the pieces (3x5 or 4x6 and 72dpi or a max of 96dpi - if you need any help with that please don't worry I'd be happy to help!)
Most importantly, make something from your heart!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Artists Create Images That Will Dance In Your Head
I'm so proud to share the unique, truly sensational works created by incredibly talented artists that I love!
Sit back, relax and enjoy the dance.....
Maureen, a truly talented artist who celebrates life created this joyful piece.
"It seems very appropriate that this first TST prompt, after our 'time out for life' break, should be one that reawakens my awareness of the power of art, running through our veins," said Maureen.
"This first prompt didn't move me. This gal gets Tasha's juices flowing, but she just didn't do anything for me. But I wanted to do SOMEthing . . so was gonna paint a wild-and-swirly something-or-other, because that's what the gal's hair made me think of. So, I listened to the video one more time and headed for my paints . . and what came out was NOTHING like my rational brain was planning, and yet, it was exactly right. Just what I needed. When my ears heard "the dog days are over," my heart heard "the dark days are over," because I've been climbing out of a veeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry deep hole, emotionally, and can finally see daylight. Not surprisingly, this piece demanded (very nicely) to be framed, and will hang somewhere on my new mandarin walls.
I know we are supposed to keep our comments to 2-3 sentences, and I'll do that in future, but I just HAD to share how this prompt (on the surface no big deal) really touched me in my artist's soul."

Felicia Kramer, creator of Another Bright Idea and the NEW More bright Ideas, created this unforgettable piece titled, “Staccato”.
"No earth-shattering significance in this piece, except that the images dancing in my head are chaotic – staccato – too much to do and not enough time to do it in," said Felicia. "At the same time I long for calm and serenity but don’t see it on the horizon for quite a while.
One of the reasons for that busy-ness in my life: I opened a second etsy shop (morebrightideas) and moved all of my more craft-oriented items over, along with some new items that are recycled/repurposed. My original shop (anotherbrightidea) now has only my digital creations, photography, greeting cards and ACEOs. I’m SO glad I did it, and the new shop is getting a lot of traffic, but now my original shop is wasting away! I have to give it some new attention and new work."

Amanda, creator of Persistent Green, created "Quirk," a gorgeous mixed media wall hanging, seven inches across.
"First, I have to say (shout?!) how thrilled I am to be playing here again--I can't wait to "see" everybody!" said Amanda. "My first thought about the video was "Wow, that is one confident woman!," and I wanted to celebrate the concept of embracing your quirkiness instead of hiding it. This piece is part of a new series I'm developing called "Medallions," which feature vibrant color and pattern, along with inspiring words."

Natasha, creator of DoodleStar, created these fun crayons.
"When I listen to Florence and the Machine, I think fierce, colorful thoughts. Thus, these lion crayons were born. I want to create wild images with them!" (to be open again soon)

(Working on getting clearer images. These were taken with children hanging on me LOL)
Don't these new creations leave you with fun, bubbling thoughts??
Next week will be Thanksgiving YAY!!! So, tomorrow I will post a new theme that will make you dance and bask in love!!! That theme won't be revealed till Thursday, December 2nd!! Wow...December already??
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Images Danced In My Head
Inspiration can come from anywhere. It can be something that stirs the senses; perhaps it's something visually stunning or maybe a voice that grabs hold of your soul. This is why we need to remain open - open mind, open heart - to all around us.
Florence and the Machine is a band I'm in love with at the moment. This woman's voice does something to makes me move. This first week back, I ask you to watch the video first, then replay and listen with closed eyes. What grabs you? The colors in the video, a song line, her voice? Take whatever stirs you and create something new.
The work submitted must be something you have created and/or worked on between the time the theme was revealed and the Thursday unveiling. Please submit your response to no later than end of day Wednesday, November 17th if you would like it to be posted on Thursday, November 18th. OR send me a link to your response to include in the comments section of the post.
1. Your name - either first name, shop name or both.
2. The name of your piece (if you choose to give it one)
3. Something you'd like to share (process of creation, idea behind piece) if you'd like to share anything. Please limit this to 2-3 sentences
4. The shop and/or blog links you'd like to include
5. Two photos of your piece or of each of the pieces (3x5 or 4x6 and 72dpi or a max of 96dpi - if you need any help with that please don't worry I'd be happy to help!)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Do You Think I'm Crazy?

Do you think I'm crazy? I would too! I'm all..."Hey guys, do you want to play?" Then, I disappear. Then, I come back, apologize for disappearing, set a date to begin playing and disappear again. I mean really? You must be wondering if I'm totally bonkers. Well, I'm happy to report I'm not LOL...well not totally at least. Please allow me to explain.
One afternoon not long ago, my son went from feeling 100% fine to feeling extremely sick in a VERY short amount of time. He suffered a seizure in my arms and went into the hospital. I'm not going to lie it was one of the scariest times of my life but he has recovered and is back home. He is doing exceptionally well as is my other little munchkin. There have been other challenges that we have been facing but so long as the four of us are all healthy and able to crack a joke or two,(luckily my husband and I have dark, crazy humor so we can find laughter in the wildest situations) we can pretty much overcome anything.
So, here I am again and I say to you I'm sorry for not being around. I promise you that this week we will begin playing - I can't wait! And this place will finally come to life again.
Thanks for understanding. So I ask you...and I mean it...are you ready to play??? I am ...we will begin this week...for sure!!!
Drop me a line when you can and let me know how life has been treating you.
TST Tasha
Sunday, October 24, 2010
A New Day

So, did you think I was just kidding about the TST coming back? LOL! Nope. Life has been NUTS and it took me away for a bit but I'm back!! It's the dawn of a new day on the TST. This Thursday , October 28th I will be sharing a NEW theme. I can't wait!!!! YAY!!!!!
I have more to stay tuned....and this time I REALLY will be back! LOL
Thanks for sticking with me and my craziness!! I love ya for it.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Inspiration In MANY Forms

© Effy Wild
I love being inspired although I never know where I will find it. When I stumble across something exceptionally inspirational it strikes the heart of me like a lightning bolt. That sensational feeling pulses through my limbs, ignites a fire in my brain and won't let go till I finally get off my ass and do something about it. I love things that move me to create.
So, I've decided to send along some inspiration to you. ALL of the artists listed here are WONDERFUL. Whether you decide to make something or join in on the fun you will be inspired by each of these amazing folks.
Caffeinated Frenzy's Love Bug Experiment
The world needs more love - plain and simple. Why not be a part of sharing that love?
The stupendously crafty, ultra talented artist Kelsey, creator of the adorable Caffeinated Frenzy started a project that invites people to leave her cute little Love Bugs with a note in public spaces for others to find – why? To brighten their day and make them smile. How awesome is that?? She has even decided to share her Love Bug pattern with everyone so you can make your own to leave around. Feeling crafty? Want to teach the kids how to share the beauty of art and make someone’s day??
Please visit her blog for the pattern, grab your kiddos or some friends and start spreading the love! I left some in NYC was a BLAST!!!
List-makin' with Artsyville
The lovely, super funny and wickedly talented Aimee, creator of Artsyville, has just added a little more fun to the week. Join her every Tuesday for a little list-making craziness and who knows what kinds of lists you can come up with....I might start with how many different types of chocolate I eat in a given week! LOL!
The insanely inspiring, mega-talented Connie, creator of Dirty Footprints Studio, has an incredible workshop coming that you won't want to miss! BIG is all about Fearless painting. However, from what I've seen and what I know about the unforgettable, transforming teaching style of Connie, I can tell you it's about way more than's about living a FEARLESS life. Interested?? Pop on over to Dirty Footprints Studio and check it out.
Art Journaling 2011
The warm, engaging, exceptionally talented Effy Wild, creator of Wild. Precious wants to give back. This art journaler extraordinairre will be offering a Free Art Journaling workshop in the beginning of 2011. Have you ever done art journaling? Ever wanted to try? Check it out and share your thoughts when you visit Here.
Thursday Sweet Treat
And of course, this space. The Thursday Sweet Treat themes will begin again next week. SOOOOO, come play next Thursday when a new theme will be shared and much more.....
Have a great weekend!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Are You Ready??

Hello, hello, hello!! It feels like AGES since I've been around!! How is everyone?? How's life??
I'm just gearing up to come back and have some crafty, artsy, writing fun; even my little doodlers at home are excited. There's lots of fun things on the horizon so keep an eye to the screen because in the next few weeks, the playground begins again and I just have to ask,
Saturday, July 31, 2010
30 Journal 30 Days Dirty Footprints Studio Style
Connie, creator of Dirty Footprints Studio, Art Journal Love Letters, and more amazing things, ran a month of interviews with Art Journalers from around the globe which was incredible. Today, she invited others to join in on the fun by answering the interview and posting pieces. I'm honored to be a part of this. If you have a moment, please visit her blog to meet many, many fabulous, inspiring art journaling souls. Thank you for all you have done, Connie!

How long have you been Art Journaling?
I've been journaling since the day my Mom put my first journal in my hands. I was four and I drew my dreams - me as an eight-legged creature flying over NYC with friends...yeah, don't ask LOL - and writing things like my hair is the color of mink..once again, don't ask LOL! Over the years, I went back and forth between simply writing in my journal and drawing, collaging and painting. I had no idea what I was doing was "art journaling." I just knew I had an obsession with color and needed to add it to my journal world.

How has Art Journaling impacted, changed, or enhanced your life?
Art journaling changes my life each time I do it. It helps me through transitions and to loosen the crazy hold I sometimes feel I'm supposed to have on life. It allows me to play and through play I believe in my heart I learn more about myself and my life. I uncover new ideas, face deep, hidden fears and let the color monster within have a feast!

What are a few of your favorite Art Journaling materials to use?
I love to use acrylics - they are just yummy - oil pastels, gel pens, Sharpies, gesso and (thanks to Connie's - creator of Dirty Footprints Studio - class, Art Journal LOVE letters) gel medium. I also love incorporating any fabulous, colored papers I can find.

Who are some of your favorite Art Journalers?
Connie seriously rocks...her guidance is amazing.
Sarah Whitmire
Effy Wild
The Inspiring, Amazing, Beautiful Lovelies in Connie's Art Journal LOVE letters course - they are magnificent!

What kind words of encouragement would you say to an Art Journal newbie?
How often do you really celebrate or honor you? Your art journal is the place to enjoy YOU! Celebrate YOU! When you step into your journal, pour color all over you and let words drop from your fingertips, you are giving yourself a gift. You are allowing yourself to explore, play, share, laugh, cry, love and grow. It's not a place for judgement or critics - unless you are telling your demons to take a hike. It's a place for you to be the most you that you can be and LOVE that!

Where can we contact you...give us some link LOVE!!
I just had a baby - my second - so right now, I'm playing Mom but I'm still floating around a little and will return in the Fall. Please drop me a line and say hello.
-Thursday Sweet Treat: a weekly theme and showcase of new art
-CreativeNachos: my personal playspace
Short Bio:

Natasha, also known as “Creative Nacho,” has been writing since the day her mom put a journal in her hand at age four. She received her MFA in writing from the New School in New York City before spending time as Marketing and Development Director for a nonprofit and later as a freelance writer, creating promotional materials for small businesses. Natasha assisted in creating original curriculum pieces for a private school in Manhattan before being invited to teach writing and editing workshops for some of the students. She has taught writing and photojournalism workshops for teenagers and written for publications such as Family Circle, Latina, Lifetips and MediaBistro. In addition, one of her pieces lives in the Library of Congress. In 2009, she made her dream come true of making a living doing both crafting and writing together when she opened DoodleStar, her personal creative playground. When she’s not playing professionally, she can be found playing at home with her mischievous husband and lovable daughter they like to call Doodle.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Then There Are the Days When Life Is a Celebration..

My son is home!
There are almost no words to describe the feeling. Seeing my children interact and being together is simply heaven. My heart is full.
Thank you to each and every person who wrote, commented, prayed, and sent along love. You have no idea how much your thoughts, words, prayers and endless support meant to us. As I've mentioned before, it meant the world. We believe in our hearts that all the thoughts and prayers helped this little man.
Thank you, thank you, thank, I'm going to spend a little time basking in this moment. Be back soon. Till then, thank you. You are a part of my heart.
Love and hugs to all of you :)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I want to thank each and every one of you for your prayers, love, support and healing thoughts.
Alex has made substantial improvements recently and if he continues on this road he may be home this week!!
We are so thankful for all you have sent our way. We believe in our heart that it is helping so please keep sending it along.
To all who have sent emails, please know it means the world. I'm sorry I've not been able to respond. I will in time.
Love to you all!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Good Thoughts and Prayers
My son is facing some issues and is in ICU right now. If you can please send thoughts and prayers please.
Hug someone you love VERY tight today.
Love to you all
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Love to you all!
Monday, July 12, 2010
POP! The Time Has Come...

My dear, sweet friends!
The time has finally arrived. Tomorrow morning I will be induced and this little one will make its way into the world. Sooo, that means that our playtime on the TST will be suspended for a little bit BUT I will be back to share the news - what do you think it is a girl or a boy?? You've got a 50/50 chance here LOL!
The Thursday Sweet Treat themes will resume in the early Fall and it is my sincere hope that you will come back to play then. Happy summer!
I wish you all much love and happiness always!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Sensational Artists Invite You to Swim Through a Gorgeous Sea of Imagination
Come, let's celebrate the sea of imagination....
Kelsey, creator of Caffeinated Frenzy and the amazing Love Bug project, created these gorgeous wake, merino wool fingerless mitts (pictured with slouchy beret hat).
"I went kayaking last weekend as a belated birthday celebration," said Kelsey. "The most fun part was finding big boats to make waves for our little kayak. Everything affects everything else when you're in the water!"
Maureen, an incredible talented artist, created this sparkling work.
"As much as I love the sea, I didn't end up loving the piece I did this week . . . instead of my typical aquamaureen colors, I was trying to get the green and sunshine that I saw a few weeks ago when I was in the Pacific ocean . . . didn't come out quite as I'd envisioned it . . . and the glitter--well, all I can say is that the only glitter I had in the house was some 15-year-old fabric glitter glue, left over from Girl Scout days!!!" said Maureen.

Trina, creator of Woven Chains Jewelry, created these sensational pieces.
"I love this theme, once again!" said Trina. "I have three pieces, a bracelet and two pendants. The pendant has pearls and lapis, representing the earth and the sea and their interplay. One of the pendants is a small snippet of mermaids tail that has washed ashore. Hopefully we will take note and listen to the story it tells each of us."
"Finally I have a starfish pendant, which I included because as soon as I saw this theme I thought of one of my favorite stories, "The legend of the starfish". The story goes that a young man was walking along a beach at low tide, throwing the exposed starfish back into the ocean. An old man comes by and asks what he is doing. When the young man explains, the old man replies "Don't you realize that there are miles of beaches and millions of starfish? You can't possibly make a difference," and then walks off. The young man bends down, grabs another starfish and throws it back, saying "I made a difference to that one".
Here's to all of us making a difference.
Amanda, creator of Persistent Green, created this truly stunning untitled mixed media in progress.
"Sorry I didn't have any glitter to work with on this one, but I loved imagining the way sunlight glitters on the water," said Amanda. "My seagull soars over an ocean of color, scented by sea breezes and salt and sun."

Natasha, creator of DoodleStar, created this piece.
I have been spending a ton of time thinking about Intention and "living" art or making our entire lives a work of art recently. I've been wondering how powerful we can be when we make intentions and how we ourselves are works of art. So, I decided to intentially turn my hand into art with a wish for the end to all the blaming, etc. with the oil spill and a call for hope that we can come together heal the devastating damage done to the ocean and all its creatures. We ran out of glitter the other day so I imagine the yellow bits in this piece as glittery bits of sunshine on water. (By the way my little Doodle helped with this which makes it extra special :)

Are you feeling inspired? Me too!! The next theme is...."Through the Prism I Found..." In this theme, I invite you to imagine yourself as the prism and explore the way you see color. How does the color in the world around you come through you? Paint it, draw it, capture it in nature....whatever you do, explore color in your world and how you apply it to your creations.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A Smiling Baby and a Little Belly LOVE

That is Doodle #2 a couple of weeks ago in my belly...SMILING! Can you believe that?? I was absolutely hysterical laughing when I saw that! Should be arriving any day now :)
I wanted to share an article that I wrote, Belly LOVE: This is Not Just a Belly about pregnancy, art, writing and life on Dirty Footprints Studio, an amazing place created by a woman I simply adore, Connie. If you have a moment today, I'd love it if you would swing by, read the piece (she has an amazing Belly LOVE series you should totally check out each week), leave a little love and explore her incredible site.
I wish you all a fabulous day - may smiles take you by surprise everywhere you go!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Stellar Artists Celebrate the Wonder of the Butterfly
Spread your wings, it's time to fly through these amazing works!
Amanda, creator of Persistent Green, created this gorgeous mixed media in progress.
"My butterfly didn't quite make it off the bus yet!" said Amanda. "I just ran out of time this week, but was definitely inspired by the concept. I'm excited to continue with this piece and utilize the same style I recently discovered."
Trina, creator of Woven Chains Jewelry, created this stunning earring and pendant set and a striking pair of earrings.
"I had such big plans this week to write a story to go along with my pieces, something about the Butterfly meeting up with her friends Dragonfly and Ladybug and going to visit the colorful flower garden," said Trina. "Well, the story remains in my head, and as you can see, so does the my ladybug piece. But I have an earring and pendant set with butterflies and flowers and wonderful rainbow dragonfly earrings that did get made. Too much fun!"
Natasha, creator of DoodleStar, created this piece.
I am now a part of the amazing Art Journal Love Letters experience which is taught by the incredible Connie, creator of Dirty Footprint Studio. Amanda, creator of Persistent Green and my teaching partner-in-crime, who has also taken the course introduced me to Dirty Footprints. I have been art journaling for awhile and wanted to take my work to the next level and this workshop seemed like the perfect way to do that. I'd always wanted to work with photos but never got around to it.This is my first attempt and I love the way it came out.
The writing on the page reads:
The enchantress unfurls her wings and flutters along the shore. She marvels at the beauty of the curling waves and the majesty of small creatures while dancing through streams of fading sunlight. When the moon rises and the stars beckon she will answer, wishing only for another day to explore the gifts of the Universe.
Are you feel as though you need to spread your creative wings? Well so am I!
This week's theme is "Sea Celebration". With all that is happening to the ocean and it's beautiful creatures with this horrendous oil spill, I thought we would find a way to celebrate the beauty of the sea. Create a piece that reflects your love of the water or one of its creatures. The only requirement is to use glitter somewhere within the piece. Have a wonderful time celebrating the beauty and life of the water!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Talented, Professional Artists Take You on a Vibrant, Fabulous Ride
I am so bummed. This was one of the roughest weeks in a long time and not only did my camera die as I went to take a pic of my piece but it's too big for my scanner. I'm charging the battery and hope to slip my piece in later.
BUT the vibrance, creativity and magic that was created here by these talented, amazing, sensational artists will make you want to cheer! You will want to ride the wheel of creativity for sure after you see these pieces. I love this week!
Come on, let's jump in....
Althea, creator of Salvaged Expression, created this rockin' piece.
"My favorite ride for years has been the Music Express, basically just sit down on the bench and get spun into your friend while listening to loud music," said Althea. "The thing has been decorated like something out of the late 60's or early 70's so really the ride is more appropriate for this week's theme than my earrings honoring it but no one is perfect. :) Also if anyone has seen Adventureland the Music Express is the ride Lisa P operates in the film so you can see for yourself!"
Felicia Kramer, creator of Another Bright Idea, created these sensational pieces titled, “Crazy Mouse”, “Which way do we go, which way do we go”, “Slip and slide”, “Pretty Carousel horse” and “Look up”.
"A few weeks ago I went to a local country fair and became a kid again," said Felicia. "I remember I was struck at how colorful and bright all the rides and displays were. So when Natasha mentioned “ferris wheel” and “color” the fair was the first thing I thought of. I’m also back to studying Photoshop online, so I used these photos to explore different color enhancements and effects with these photos."
“Crazy Mouse”
“Which way do we go, which way do we go”
“Slip and slide”
“Pretty Carousel horse”
“Look up”
Amanda, creator of Persistent Green, created this gorgeous untitled mixed media in progress.
"I'm sure this is no surprise to those of you who know me and my work, but I adored Tasha's theme this week!" said Amanda. "Color, color, and more color--my favorite. I played with the same style I used last week and created another bird piece."
Trina, creator of Woven Chains Jewelry, created this stellar piece.
"I loved this theme, I had so many ideas," said Trina. "The two I had time to make were the "Ferris Wheel" earrings and my "Loop the Loop" pendant. I have to say, the roller coaster (especially one with a loop the loop) is more the speed of my life than the ferris wheel, but I'm working on it!"
"Thanks again to you all for being here, until I came back I didn't realize how much I missed all of you and this space to play."
Loop the Loop pendant Ferris Wheel earrings
Natasha, creator of DoodleStar, created this piece.
Do you know Connie Hozvicka, creator of Dirty Footprints Studio? If you don't you need to visit, now. Her work and her words are so striking, so beautiful that they resonate in a deeply meaningful and deeply personal way with me. Amanda introduced me to her site (thank you dear friend!) and I've been an avid reader ever since. Recently, her idea on being Fearless and living in a BIG way moved me to the core. When I think of vibrance I think of color and Connie so this piece is how my brain has been basking in her idea of fearlessness.

Are you feeling like riding the rollercoaster of creativity? Me too! Then, let's PLAY!
The next theme is: "The Butterfly Got Off the Bus and Went Into..." This is a truly fun theme. Take your butterfly or butterflies and take them on an adventure...anywhere! Have a blast with this one.