Just a quick reminder that we have some fabulous Sweet Treaters participating in the Blockhead Radio Artisan Challenge this week. Let’s show some support and some love to Jodi Horgan, TiffanyPop and Ruthie Stickney. http://blockheadradiolive.com/artisanschallenge
Also, if you haven’t submitted a piece to the Artisan Challenge yet, get on over there and jump in on the fun.
This week many talented, passionate, professional, incredible artists gave their imagination complete freedom to roam and discovered magnificent, thought-provoking places that lie just beyond the keyhole. Each piece invites you to spend time soaking in the idea behind it. I believe this collection of work will stir interesting conversation and leave a lasting impression upon you.
Please join me as we look through the keyhole.....
Kelsey, creator of CaffeinatedFrenzy, created this stunning work titled, Flutter Theory. Here is the link: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23632810
“The idea behind this piece was to map out the path of the mind,” said Kelsey. “I don't think imagination is random or mysterious, but instead a reflection of a person's experiences. We're all victims of experience, and an idea bounces from memory to memory, twisting, turning, and shaping as it goes. The imagination is limited only to our memories, mistakes, successes, trials, and errors. The only limiting thing we can do is nothing at all.”
Lorrie Veasey, creator of Our Name is Mud, created this stellar “Drink Me” mug.
“I was inspired by this week's theme to watch Alice In Wonderland with my five year old daughter, Banana,” said Lorrie. “After half an hour, she asked me to turn it off because she felt everyone in Wonderland was mean. Here is my "Drink Me" mug inspired by a trip down the rabbit hole.It is earthenware with underglaze.”

Agathe, creator of Meherio 68, created this magnificent piece.
“This week, I have to thank Amanda for triggering my idea : her comment quoting T.S. Eliot launched my OPENing. Sorry. I'm congenitally unable to resist a (bad) pun. Words are my clay,” said Agathe.
“Hence, this key built from pieces of copper (including my very first soldered ring - Yay!). Because the pen, whether it is plain, allegorical, or even a draughtsman's pencil, opens endless vistas and connections.
I have to thank it for "meeting" all of you here, and I really must say it again: THANK YOU Natasha for being such an inspirational (ring)cheer-leader! Your themes have given me a new key into the fun of dabbling with creation, and I am ever so grateful !
I thought this key could be turned into a simple bracelet, with the addition of lightly waxed linen thread, using sliding knots to adjust the size.”
Meherio68blog : http://lebarduvent.blogspot.com/

Hadass, creator of Spring Colors, created this gorgeous Virtage pendant.
“This rich pendant is made of hexagons of black luscious onyx, covered with Opal colored and pink Swarovski crystals,” said Hadass. “The outcome looks like a rich vitrage window, that one can see through and peek beyond it.”

Maureen, a talented artist, created this splendid piece.
"My offering this week is a little different,” said Maureen. “In thinking about what might lie beyond and through the keyhole of imagination, I heard whispers, "Anything and everything . . .infinite possibilities." And what joy it is to support that sort of exploration in others. When I told my writing group about my time with my sister's second-graders, and their marvelous response to our play with watercolor and haiku, my fellow writers wanted to sponsor a box of writing and art supplies for these kids. As I was pulling the items together, I wanted each child to have their own bag of their own stuff, so I swooped watercolor across a bunch of white sacks and then put their names on each. Inside will go pencils, erasers, a mini-pad, a set of watercolors, and a little sketchbook made from index cards. I wanted each child to have a bag decorated like no other, just as each of them--each precious child--is also a unique work of art."
"My offering this week is a little different,” said Maureen. “In thinking about what might lie beyond and through the keyhole of imagination, I heard whispers, "Anything and everything . . .infinite possibilities." And what joy it is to support that sort of exploration in others. When I told my writing group about my time with my sister's second-graders, and their marvelous response to our play with watercolor and haiku, my fellow writers wanted to sponsor a box of writing and art supplies for these kids. As I was pulling the items together, I wanted each child to have their own bag of their own stuff, so I swooped watercolor across a bunch of white sacks and then put their names on each. Inside will go pencils, erasers, a mini-pad, a set of watercolors, and a little sketchbook made from index cards. I wanted each child to have a bag decorated like no other, just as each of them--each precious child--is also a unique work of art."

Michelle Ciarlo-Hayes, creator of mkc photography, created this exceptional piece titled, “Reach for the Moon." This is now in my shop! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23549889
“One night, a few months ago, my four-year-old asked me if he could hold the beautiful full moon,” said Michelle. “I went out that night and photographed it for him, and this week the image that had been floating around in my head finally came to life: there is nothing so powerful as the imagination of a child.”

Janie, creator of Lifeartdesigns and Mypolymerclaycanes, created this unforgettable piece.
“Funny, I ended up making something completely different than I was planning,” said Janie. “The clay just took hold of me and I followed! This time I made something that is designed to be interactive with the viewers. Because of the theme, I thought that would be fun and sort of on theme. The colored disks on the box were made from polymer clay using a "mirrored imaging" technique. It's kind of like the Rorschach ink-blot tests where you look at the ink blots on paper and decide what it is that you see. So...looking just beyond the keyhole of imagination...what do you see in each picture??”

Jenjen Furer, creator of Gotta Love Mom, created this moving piece that deals with her family’s struggle, love, dedication and hope titled, "No More Tears Left."

"This week’s theme touched my heart BIG time! This may just be the push I need to actually proceed to write that book I dreamed of writing and just be brave about it and open-up," said Jenjen.
"I am on a mission – a very emotional mission. It’s not an easy task, as the Greek philosopher, Epictetus, once said, “no great thing is created suddenly”.
Imagination – that’s one force that drives mankind. Do you have to be a child to live your dreams? It’s like one of my crumbcatchers’ favorite movie, “Narnia”, you’ll never know what you get once you peek through the keyhole of imagination, and you’ll never know what you’ll see once you unlock that door!

So here goes…
Every goal begins with imagination. One wishes upon a star and dreams that it will come true – and my one dream when I look beyond the keyhole of imagination is for my family to be back together again.
On the wee hours of October 27, 2005, our lives were tragically interrupted (again!). It felt like a tornado has wiped out all the hopes and dreams of my family. I just got out of the shower when the news that my parents and brothers were being asked to leave the country they’ve known and love for 20 years! Everything around me became mute. I bawled out so loudly because I couldn’t bear the emptiness that this news has delivered.
I cried out every single tear I can muster. Events following that morning have totally changed my outlook in life.
Everyday since then, my mission is to get them back. I was frustrated but I’m now so filled with rage by lawyers, who abused my families’ trust; by the lawyers that wiped away the tiny dash of hope of living the American dream.
I’m not just going to sit back and do nothing. I am here to write a family’s struggle, love, dedication, faith and hope.
For my mother who lives for her children – for her family.
As she emailed me yesterday:
“I've been reading your blog every time I checked my email.
It makes me feel like I’m right next to you. However,
yesterday when I read your blog, I couldn't control myself.
Loneliness and sadness were haunting me for a longtime.
My outlook in life changed, however,
I tried my very best to fight them, but when I read your blog with 10/27/05
tears start to roll down and those bitter happenings start haunting me more …
Forgiving is easy but forgetting is hard.
I am not a perfect mother, wife, daughter and sister
but I knew what is right and what is wrong and I’m still hopeful to live that dream I
One thing I’ve learned from all these detours in life, a door shuts but another door opens.
This week’s theme is just the perfect push that I need to pursue and complete my story – because as I see beyond the keyhole of imagination lays a perfect ending, a happy ending where I can scream in happiness in telling the world –
“Happiness is not something you just think about

(I’m going to need you to give me a nudge – to be brave and as you said, “its’ time to fly and spread my wings.”)

Jenjen Furer, creator of Gotta Love Mom, created this moving piece that deals with her family’s struggle, love, dedication and hope titled, "No More Tears Left."

"This week’s theme touched my heart BIG time! This may just be the push I need to actually proceed to write that book I dreamed of writing and just be brave about it and open-up," said Jenjen.
"I am on a mission – a very emotional mission. It’s not an easy task, as the Greek philosopher, Epictetus, once said, “no great thing is created suddenly”.
Imagination – that’s one force that drives mankind. Do you have to be a child to live your dreams? It’s like one of my crumbcatchers’ favorite movie, “Narnia”, you’ll never know what you get once you peek through the keyhole of imagination, and you’ll never know what you’ll see once you unlock that door!

So here goes…
Every goal begins with imagination. One wishes upon a star and dreams that it will come true – and my one dream when I look beyond the keyhole of imagination is for my family to be back together again.
On the wee hours of October 27, 2005, our lives were tragically interrupted (again!). It felt like a tornado has wiped out all the hopes and dreams of my family. I just got out of the shower when the news that my parents and brothers were being asked to leave the country they’ve known and love for 20 years! Everything around me became mute. I bawled out so loudly because I couldn’t bear the emptiness that this news has delivered.
I cried out every single tear I can muster. Events following that morning have totally changed my outlook in life.
Everyday since then, my mission is to get them back. I was frustrated but I’m now so filled with rage by lawyers, who abused my families’ trust; by the lawyers that wiped away the tiny dash of hope of living the American dream.
I’m not just going to sit back and do nothing. I am here to write a family’s struggle, love, dedication, faith and hope.
For my mother who lives for her children – for her family.
As she emailed me yesterday:
“I've been reading your blog every time I checked my email.
It makes me feel like I’m right next to you. However,
yesterday when I read your blog, I couldn't control myself.
Loneliness and sadness were haunting me for a longtime.
My outlook in life changed, however,
I tried my very best to fight them, but when I read your blog with 10/27/05
tears start to roll down and those bitter happenings start haunting me more …
Forgiving is easy but forgetting is hard.
I am not a perfect mother, wife, daughter and sister
but I knew what is right and what is wrong and I’m still hopeful to live that dream I
One thing I’ve learned from all these detours in life, a door shuts but another door opens.
This week’s theme is just the perfect push that I need to pursue and complete my story – because as I see beyond the keyhole of imagination lays a perfect ending, a happy ending where I can scream in happiness in telling the world –
“Happiness is not something you just think about
it’s something your heart beats to.
Happiness is not something handed to you
it’s something you aim and fight for.
Happiness is looking at your child’s eyes and he smiles back at you;
Happiness is being with someone who cares for “all” of your being;
Happiness is something to share with someone – and it’ll definitely blossom.
Happiness is not just being “content” - it is a “work in a progress”
Once you get a claim on it, it should be something that drives your every hour.
Right now, the happy patrol is on his way to my doorstep, and I know that as soon as I open that door – everything I’ve ever imagined will come true:
“Together again…
No more tears…..
Just pure happiness….”
No more tears…..
Just pure happiness….”

(I’m going to need you to give me a nudge – to be brave and as you said, “its’ time to fly and spread my wings.”)
Amanda, creator of Persistent Green, created this incredible mixed media artwork with original haiku titled, "Keyhole."
“Another week, another exploration in blending both of my loves--the literary and visual art worlds,” said Amanda. “This theme especially inspired the poet in me, so I wrote the haiku and incorporated it into an original mixed media painting. My piece is extremely layered and textured, created with modeling paste, acrylic paint and ink. I love the way the golden paint shimmers and glows--just like light through a keyhole.”

This week I created a piece that would serve as wall art. This work is set against a cloud backdrop. I'm still working on the final but I wanted to share the words with you.
Sometimes it may seem to be overwhelming, this negativity, but that is not so. The smallest light can illuminate an immense amount of Darkness if you but take up your bushel and let it shine forth to illuminate the darkness around you. You'll be surprised at what can happen. You let your little light shine, then off in the distance, you see another beacon in the darkness, then another, then another. And before any of you know it, there is a net of gleaming strands of Light, and the darkness has been quite made to vanish.
But it is good to make a conscious choice when peeking through the keyhole and to decide what you want to get out of the experience and where you want to go with it. Do you want to use it as a stepping stone, or as the end result? And for that matter, do you even want to look through that particular keyhole at all? Sometimes you will not want to do so, and that is another choice to be made. Not all keyholes open onto happy or pleasant experiences. Some it is very wise to pass up, to let another have that experience.
“Another week, another exploration in blending both of my loves--the literary and visual art worlds,” said Amanda. “This theme especially inspired the poet in me, so I wrote the haiku and incorporated it into an original mixed media painting. My piece is extremely layered and textured, created with modeling paste, acrylic paint and ink. I love the way the golden paint shimmers and glows--just like light through a keyhole.”

This week I created a piece that would serve as wall art. This work is set against a cloud backdrop. I'm still working on the final but I wanted to share the words with you.
And There Were Wings
I needed a moment to catch my breath, to collect my thoughts.
They all wanted me to look.
They all wanted me to look.
“Do it, do it,” they chanted.
I prayed for silence.
Why was it that I needed to be on their timetable?
I remember once they asked me to join them and the floor started moving. Someone grabbed my arm and suddenly I was moving forward, fast…so….fast …..
I could not think.
I pulled away…
…ripped a part of my coat.
Someone booed I think…yes, they said, “Boo,” not in a scary way. I knew their meaning.
But all I could focus on was the coat. It had felt heavy and warm. I couldn’t breathe, so I ripped more
….until it was in pieces on the floor.
When I inhaled, I could taste all the colors of a Spring breeze.
That’s when they reappeared.
“Do it, do it,” they chanted.
I prayed for silence.
Why was it that I needed to be on their timetable?
I remember once they asked me to join them and the floor started moving. Someone grabbed my arm and suddenly I was moving forward, fast…so….fast …..
I could not think.
I pulled away…
…ripped a part of my coat.
Someone booed I think…yes, they said, “Boo,” not in a scary way. I knew their meaning.
But all I could focus on was the coat. It had felt heavy and warm. I couldn’t breathe, so I ripped more
….until it was in pieces on the floor.
When I inhaled, I could taste all the colors of a Spring breeze.
That’s when they reappeared.
“Do it, do it,” they chanted.
I wished them away till finally they did leave.
Alone I stood before the door….
… I took a deep breathe
….and looked through the keyhole.
That’s when I saw you balancing on a high wire without a net while painting the sky in a kaleidoscope of color…
…and I wanted to touch your colors and I wanted to give you my Spring breeze.
So, I opened the door and without a net I stepped forward, my wings unfolded
...I hadn’t even known they were tucked away…
and began to fly.
Alone I stood before the door….
… I took a deep breathe
….and looked through the keyhole.
That’s when I saw you balancing on a high wire without a net while painting the sky in a kaleidoscope of color…
…and I wanted to touch your colors and I wanted to give you my Spring breeze.
So, I opened the door and without a net I stepped forward, my wings unfolded
...I hadn’t even known they were tucked away…
and began to fly.
Natasha Reilly © 2009.
Felicia Kramer, creator of Another Bright Idea, created this fantastic piece titled, “Life’s Puzzle.”
“Just beyond the keyhole of imagination lies …. “life’s puzzle”. I won’t even try to explain this, except to say that I have been in a somewhat introspective mood and I just let my thoughts come out on paper as boxed images,” said Felicia. “Promise … next week will be brighter!”
Felicia Kramer, creator of Another Bright Idea, created this fantastic piece titled, “Life’s Puzzle.”
“Just beyond the keyhole of imagination lies …. “life’s puzzle”. I won’t even try to explain this, except to say that I have been in a somewhat introspective mood and I just let my thoughts come out on paper as boxed images,” said Felicia. “Promise … next week will be brighter!”
The Keyhole of the Imagination Channellings
Channelled messages are very appropriate for this challenge, as the information comes to the channel through the imagination. I decided to ask all four of my Guides that I currently work with to speak on various aspects of the topic. This is what they had to say. :-)
Opening the Door - Adriata
We-as-Guides have been speaking about opening the door for quite some time now. Opening the door to your heart, to your soul, to your creativity, and thereby to your innermost self. We have been quite pleased w/the progress that has been made, particularly in the establishment of places like these, little oases among the seas of negativity that surrounds them.
Sometimes it may seem to be overwhelming, this negativity, but that is not so. The smallest light can illuminate an immense amount of Darkness if you but take up your bushel and let it shine forth to illuminate the darkness around you. You'll be surprised at what can happen. You let your little light shine, then off in the distance, you see another beacon in the darkness, then another, then another. And before any of you know it, there is a net of gleaming strands of Light, and the darkness has been quite made to vanish.
So let your light shine, dear ones, let it shine forth & illuminate the darkness around you. Be true to your innermost Self and follow that work whenever it is at all possible to do so. Better still if you can make it your livelihood, but if not, still let it be an important part of your lives.
Bright Blessings & Happy Muse-ings! :-)
-Adriata, High Guide of Light & Head Muse for Bird
Lady Coco on Imagination
So you wish to hear about Imagination tonight, eh?? Well, I shall tell you about it, or at least my perspective on it., which is, of course, but one of many ways to look at it. Imagination is a very powerful tool. It allows the creation of things on the metaphysical planes, which is the first step to their being brought forth on the physical planes.
You have to have an idea before you can create something, even if it is from a pattern already made. So those who claim to have no imagination are not quite correct. They may have chosen to suppress it, to not allow it to be a major part of their lives, or to call it by those names, but they most assuredly do have one. You cannot live in this World, in either physical or non-physical planes, without your imagination. Simple things, such as “What will I have for breakfast?”, those are still from imagination, even if in its more basic forms. You still have to decide among the various things that you could have and taste them in your mind so you can decide what you wish to taste in reality.
Imagination is everything. It is everywhere. You live is a sea of imagination, surrounded by it, created and creating in it. Relish this. It allows for the creation of anything you can picture – and many things that you cannot yet grasp. Imagination can be as concrete as a choice of breakfast cereal, or as general as the desire for World Peace. It is truly up to you how you want to use your imagination in each moment, but what is assured is that you will. :-)
Bright Blessings & Happy Imaginings! :-)
Lady Coco, High Guide of Light & Sometimes Hat for Bird
Keyholes - Benedetto
Keyholes contain the vision of what is on the other side of the door. Through them you can glimpse that which is hidden from you at this moment. You can choose to use them to decide if you want to open the door and discover more fully what is happening there, or you can choose to use them as a portal for informations so that you do not have to change by going through the door. Both of these have their place in the range of choice. It is not for me to say which is better or worse. It is a matter of where you are in your Journey, and where you want to go. Not everyone wants to go as far as they possibly can in this lifetime and that is perfectly okay. Lessons do not all have to be learnt in a day, nor do all experiences need to happen at one time either.
But it is good to make a conscious choice when peeking through the keyhole and to decide what you want to get out of the experience and where you want to go with it. Do you want to use it as a stepping stone, or as the end result? And for that matter, do you even want to look through that particular keyhole at all? Sometimes you will not want to do so, and that is another choice to be made. Not all keyholes open onto happy or pleasant experiences. Some it is very wise to pass up, to let another have that experience.
If you do choose to look through the keyhole, if you choose to open the door, do so with passion! Life is here to be savored! You choose to be born in order to experience – so go for it! :-)
Bright Blessings! Enjoy your keyholes & what lies on the other side. :-)
-Benedetto, Angel, & High Guide of Light for Bird
-Benedetto, Angel, & High Guide of Light for Bird
Slipping through the Keyholes of the Imagination – Jeremiah
So. The creative process. A way of opening your mind and allowing the possibilities to slip through and become mingled with each other, until you find it appropriate to spill them out in to the world as a new creation. The suggestion was made to leave the mistyping of 'possibilities' because the first thing you must do is to say 'yes'. Yes, I will allow this thing to happen. Yes, I will allow myself to consider something new and different, something which has never been though of in exactly that way before. Yes, I will allow all these new thoughts and ideas to jingle and jiggle about in my mind until they are ready to become a new thing. If you do not say these 'yeses', then new things will not be created. The thoughts may be there, but until they are given permission to come out and take on a physical form, they remain formless and unfinished.
So, dare to say 'yes!' Yes, I will be creative. Yes, I will allow creative things to slip through the keyholes of my imagination and to be combined in new ways. And yes, when those things have happened, I will allow them to come forth and become tangible and to be shown to the world. Say yes, and create!!! :-)
Bright Blessings & Happy Muse-ings! :-)
Jeremiah, High Guide of Light & Writing Muse for BirdSafe Journeys tomorrow! :-)-
Jeremiah, High Guide of Light & Writing Muse for BirdSafe Journeys tomorrow! :-)-
Talismans by Crow Tarotfound at http://www.crowtarot.etsy.com/
Our Other Etsy Shops
As you slipped through the keyhole did you find magic that set your imagination on fire?
Please share your thoughts, ask the artists questions, leave a comment and some love here. Then, go visit these artists at their shops and blogs, share some more and tell a friend! Thanks so much for visiting!!
Please share your thoughts, ask the artists questions, leave a comment and some love here. Then, go visit these artists at their shops and blogs, share some more and tell a friend! Thanks so much for visiting!!
So many beautiful things this week! Sorry I couldn't make it (too much going on too few supplies) but I'm looking forward to next.
What an interesting week... many of us turned to words for expression. I love that push and pull in my creative work--sometimes words aren't enough, and images must take over; other times, images can't quite say what I want.
Jenjen's contribution especially touched me. This proves the necessity of art--it isn't just about "pretty" things--art can also be a driving force for change. Write that book! We're here for you.
Can't wait for tomorrow!
Natasha....girl, you continue to amaze me. This poem, IMO, is your best work to date. It gave me goosebumps!!! Absolutely wonderful. All the work featured today is fantastic, all of it. May I share my favorite (other than your poem)? It would have to be Life's Puzzle. That is such a nice work of art.
Congrats to all of the wonderful artists this week.
another amazing week...and again i am sad that i was unable to complete anything. but, just knowing that this is here each week, is so wonderful. the entries this week are all beautiful. beyond the theme that natasha gives us each week, i get such inspiration from all of the art displayed here. thank you to everyone for sharing!
and, i can't wait to see what's coming tomorrow because i'm really hoping to get back in here next week!
What an amazing array of work!
Giving an artist a theme like imagination is just a celebration of what we do in my mind.
My favorites from this week are my name is mud, her mugs always make me smile.
Maureen's gift to the second graders of a little art supply kit.
"Keyhole." This one looks like a whole new world to me, the way the red and pink are textured makes me think of a sky, a land beyond the door. It really looks to me like a land of forgotten dreams.
Wonderful poem Natasha!
Just a quick glance for now, as I must dash myself, but wow!!! I am stunned and cannot wait until I can get back and dive into these wonderful, awesome, amazing works more deeply. :-)
special *hugs* & thnx to Natasha - hope your day and Journeys go well! :-)
Bright Blessings & Good Fortune to All! :-)
I cried, I laughed, I smiled, and said YES, what wonderful inspiring creations!
I spaced out sending my photos to Natasha this week as I was so caught up with my grandson and his imagination! I did finish 2 items for this theme and even took photos!
I would really appreciate and love it if any of you could come by my blog and perhaps leave a comment about his photos that I put up - and encourage this young man. Thank you.
And Thank you Natasha for this wonderful place. captcha is sperepe - what a wonderful sound! hehe
Wow...stunning evryone! Natasha, your poem was beautiful...
This part:
Alone I stood before the door….
… I took a deep breathe
….and looked through the keyhole.
That’s when I saw you balancing on a high wire without a net while painting the sky in a kaleidoscope of color…
…and I wanted to touch your colors and I wanted to give you my Spring breeze.
So, I opened the door and without a net I stepped forward, my wings unfolded
...I hadn’t even known they were tucked away…
and began to fly.
Natasha Reilly © 2009.
Says alot about all of us that have come together here...
Jenjen, thank you for sharing your story. So heart breaking for all of you. I am so sorry your family has experienced this.
I love Felicia's "Life's Puzzle"!
And I loved reading Bird's musings! :) This place is an artist's oasis...
What a wonderful offering! I am estatic that you did that for those kids! That is totally cool.
I know I may have missed some - I'm still reading and digesting! Great to see everybody again!
Currently in my schedule, my Wednesdays and Thursdays are packed, so it is with particular pleasure that I look forward to the end of Thursday when I feed my soul by sitting with my laptop and wandering through the garden of delights called TST--all the artistic offerings, and the comments as well.---this week, many touched me, but I'll mention a few: Jenjen and your deep desire to honor your family's experience via writing; Amanda and that perfect pairing of words: "patient light"--it is really speaking to me; Natasha--that you had to step out without the net BEFORE you discovered your wings--what a large and lovely truth. Yet once again, I feel buoyed and sustained by this fellowship of artists. And special thanks for the sweet words about my offering.
I just got back from taking my 13yo to Hamilton, NJ’s Ground for Sculpture (Check tomorrow’s blog for some interesting stories) and I was thinking about everyone here at TST.
What a totally creative and thoughtful group of artists. So much color and so much life.
We're all living in a life full of creativity and imagination.
Natasha, you are one amazing person for giving us all the inspiration – not just that moving poem that you wrote but everything that you do. You definitely make me feel LOVED – I’m sure the rest feel the same. ( I'm definitely spreading my wings!)
Kelsey, Lorie, Haddas, Janie - such talent with your hands, heart and mind! I envy you that you have such creativity!
Agathe's key and 2 hands touched me in a way that together, we can all open the key to all possibilities. For me, it kind of has a “divine” feel to it.
Maureen - I do agree that every child is definitely a work of art - that's why we have to pause and just give our children big hugs and wish for all other children to have the love that we have for our children.
Michele – you’re such a great mom to have your 4yo realize his dream for the moment.
Amanda, I am going to be patient because I know that as long as we still dream about something, there’s still hope and encouragement.
Felicia – I love to get a picture of that keyhole artwork – definitely another bright idea!
Bird – I am definitely going to be creative !
Thank you for all your sweet and thoughtful encouragement. I can’t wait for tomorrow!
PS : I’m lost at the Artisan Challenge. I can’t seem to find the TST friends.
Natasha - how do you get these ideas? Remember last week - LOVE - and then we had that Share the Love day; and then this week Imagination - and then this Susan Boyle's phenom ...You're timing is impeccable!
It's interesting that so many people choose to express through words rather than the visual this week, and in so many different ways.
I had a wonderful idea this week, but lacked the proper supplies - I was just frustrating myself trying to force what I did have to work with, but at least I have the idea!
Congratulations to all!
Maureen...my students will be THRILLED with the art designs...and how precious to individualize each bag. Today I hung all the watercolor rainbows/Haikus in the hallway. I put the color mixing/1st attempts at watercoloring up on 2 bulletin boards in the room. The haiku you wrote to them is in the center of one of the bulletin board displays. Thanks so much for the gift of yourself.
It's been a long day and I'm truly beat but I wanted to say I loved all these comments...thank you for your words, for your amazing works and for being you...I will write more tomorrow ..major hugs :) Goodnight
It's been a long day and I'm truly beat but I wanted to say I loved all these comments...thank you for your words, for your amazing works and for being you...I will write more tomorrow ..major hugs :) Goodnight
What an interesting mixture this week. Creativity both in words and pictures. How interesting, thought provoking, and touching.
Natasha - another beautiful poem! We might have to do another collaboration ...
JenJen - my heart hurts for you. Thank you for that touching story.
Michelle (MKC) - What a sweet image and I love that the inspiration came "out of the mouths of babes."
Janie - I'm studying for my Rorschach tests!
Sherry, JenJen and Janie: When I said I had been introspective the truth was that I have been a bit depressed. So your mention of my "Life's Puzzle" lifted my spirits. Thank you.
I love being able to look through so many different keyholes - all opening onto fascinating worlds. YOUR art feeds me.
Thank you everyone - I can feel my wings budding in my back...
Salvaged! You were 100% missed this week but I totally understand...how's house hunting going? Did you find something wonderful? Can't wait to see you again next week!
Amanda - first, I loved your piece. The mixed media painting is beautifully eye-catching and the haiku is incredible. It's such fabulous work blending two of my loves as well...and I agree with you about Jenjen's piece and echo your sentiments...write the book!!
Sherry - you were missed this week! I sincerely hope you will play next week. Thank you for the kind words about my poem...that means the world. And I agree with you, Felicia's "Life's Puzzle" piece was filled with such spelndor...I just stared and took in all the images ...I could get lost in it and I love that
giraffelabel - missed, missed, missed you were (I totally said that in Yoda voice and racked myself up!) You were though and I agree with you - each and every week I am inspired, moved and invited to fall in love with all the art...each week I grow ..it's such a gift. I hope the new theme created by our very own Amanda of Peristent Green inspires you and we see you here next week
Frenzy23 - I loved your work this week...not only was I in awe of the idea of mapping out the mind in your work but the actual piece was a gorgeous celebration of imagination...beautiful work. I agree with your picks as well...Lorrie's mugs, her art, always makes me happy and Maureen's piece..well, it not only brought great joy to me and to all of us but think of the joy it will bring to that class! I love it and I am a fan of keyhole which I wrote about above...Frenzy, great work...incredible
Phoenyx Ravenswing - your pieces, your channellings were inspiring ...I have a greater desire to let my light shine, embrace the joy of my imagination even if I am simply picking my morning breakfast, look through the keyhole and open the door with passion and say yes to creation!
lisianblue - while you were very missed this week, I LOVE that you lost time in playing with your grandson..that's the way it should be ..we should be so immersed in what we love - the people, our art - that we lose time...I love it...I will be by to leave a comment for the little man...will you submit your pieces for the mini-monthly?
Lifeartdesigns - I LOVED that box...and what did I see..I saw a face and a burrtfly in your work...and I loved it. I spent so much time just looking at it..marveling at it...it's amazing how much there is to see....I am in awe of how you captured such beauty! Thank you for the words about my poem and as I read it again and thought about what you said, I have to say I agree
aquamaureen - your pieces were simply wonderful. I said it before here but I will say it again those pieces delighted me...I wanted a bag with my name, gorgeous color and supplies and I know they delighted everyone here...imagine what they will do for those children??!! You are such a bright, giving light in the world...I'm honored that you shared this here!
Jenjen - where do I even begin? I said it before and echoed Amanda - you need to write that book. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking that leap and sharing something so personal and so moving. It was amazing to read your work ...it is my hope that we get to read more in the future...and I will be stopping by to hear stories from your journey with your 13 year old today...and Susan Boyle gave me goosebumps!!
Mackin-Art - SO missed!! But I love the way you decided what would work for you and pulled back till you have what you need to create....that's inspiring...will you still create it and submit for the mini-monthly??
Sharon! Welcome - how amazing it is to have you here. I'm loving what Maureen made for your class...I think we'd all love to see the bulletin board with the artwork and Maureen's haiku so if you have a picture please send it and I'd be happy to post it here. hope you will come to play here again!!
Felicia- I loved your piece this week...I literally stared at it..it is such a feast for the eyes and heart....I let myself wander along and fell in love ... what beautiful work and I want to acknowledge something ...the fact that you shared you were depressed is a gift...thank you for sharing so honestly and know we are here if you need anything...we all have tough times...all of us ...and the best thing we can do is help one another out ...share safely, freely and you will find you are surrounded by healing love....sending you hugs and happiness and great, moving work...and I say YES! Let's collaborate again I LOVE when we do :)
meherio68 - you feel them budding? You are soaring! I opened your submission this week and the breath caught in my chest..what gorgeous work...when I looked at it I had the feeling I was flying...I had the feeling I could do anything..thank you for that and for your fantastic work
Natasha - thanks for your so-very-kind thoughts. Like most of us, there's times I'm just too hard on myself and end up focusing on the negatives instead of the positives. I know when I'm in that bottomless pit, but it takes a while to start climbing back out. I'm climbing - slowly - and I think I see the sunlight.
And I think I saw a collaboration at the top! ;)
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