Today's Artist PlayDate has been postponed as the artist that was set to be featured had a situation arise that was way beyond her control. Please join me in sending well wishes. We will be seeing her in the coming weeks. For now, I send healing thoughts and hope that you are on the mend soon!
Over the last few weeks, I have been given a few blog awards. These awards celebrate the Thursday Sweet Treat, its fabulous participants and fantastic cheering section. I want to thank each person that has sent an award along and introduce you to each artist so that you can send some blog love back.
The Sisterhood Award was given to me by ClayItAgain/12MidnightOils. This talented, warm, friendly artist creates oil paint landscapes and sculpts in clay. ClayItAgain says, "I can paint a landscape on any surface (at least I haven't found a surface yet that I can't paint on). I love polymer clay and it's versatility. I can duplicate anything in polymer. From miniature food and furniture to functional items such as jewelry, art dolls, and home decor."
Now the rules for this award:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 5 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
It was nearly impossible to pick 5 blogs because I read many that I love. I want to list everyone! Between Artist PlayDates and other fun things that will be coming I will be listing more blogs...so here is a start of some fun ones that I think you will enjoy.
1. Anji Gallanos - I am always amazed at what I learn when I visit her blog.
2. Live Through the Lens - I love the way she captures people in ordinary moments and makes those moments extraordinary.
3. What I Made Today - Oh this blog is just filled with yummy things.
4. Shhh...Confessions of an Artist: Lunatiger - you are invited to be delighted.
5. GottaLoveMom - I always feel like I'm reading a book when I read her posts.

I'd like to thank the witty, wonderful, inspiring artist AGoodWitchToo over at The Copper Cauldron for giving me the Kreativ Blogger award! The Copper Cauldron specializes in handmade artisan soaps that are made in small batch quantities to ensure quality using ingredients your skin will love. The soap is out of this world!
The rules for this award are to pass it on to 5 other great blogs and let them know. Here are the five blogs I'd like to pass this award onto...
1. The Return of Son of Incogneato - out of the ordinary fun.
1. The Return of Son of Incogneato - out of the ordinary fun.
2. Always Adorable in Action - truly inspired blog.
3. CeejayBags - great bags, great lady.
4. Fine Mess Pottery - challenging herself to create 100 mugs in 100 days...awesome
5. Dorset Hill Beads - super beads and terrific theme guessing.

Finally, I'd like to thank the incredible, funny, truly creative artist Agathe at Le Bar du Vent for awarding me an 'Honest Scrap' Award! She creates gorgeous one of a kind pieces of jewelry and accessories. Her work incorporates sealife, flower, natural creatures, and travel theme among others.The game goes like this:
1. Pick 7 or so blogs that make you happy
2. Let them know and post their names on your blog.
3. List at least 10 honest things about yourself.
Honest things about me:
1. I think the most incredible conversations happen after midnight when the the business of the day has quieted, the blanket of night is pulled tightly around you, and it feels like you and the other person are only ones in the entire world that are awake.
2. In Nursery School, I convinced a little boy that a gerbil turd was an uncovered M&M and he bit into it. I often wonder if he remembers that.
3. Some days I want to be on Dancing with the Stars.
4. Sometimes, when I can't sleep, I still put a flashlight under my pillow and read. It makes me feel like a kid again.
5. I laugh alot. I'm known for it. I once tried to be more serious, more adult and tried to laugh less. Note to self - that doesn't work. It just explodes out of you. I believe laughter is the music that makes the soul dance.
6. Once upon a magical time, I believed I could get to C.S. Lewis' Narnia through my closet. Despite the black and blues from running into the back wall of my closet, I still like to believe it's there somewhere.
7. When I'm not singing, I conduct interviews in the shower. I like to pretend I'm being interviewed by Ellen or Oprah. I've even written about my insanity - Rub-a-dub-dub, Ellen is in my tub
8. I feel guilty about 99% of the time that someone or something is not getting the attention it deserves.
9. Right now, I wish I was in Hawaii surfing...not that I have ever surfed ...I just really want to.
10. I ate a cupcake for breakfast this morning. Why? Because life is too short not to celebrate every moment (at least that's what I told my hips)
Now for some fun, inspiring, thought-provoking blogs....
1. What Kate Did Next - great writing..leaves you thinking
2. Our Name is Blog - hilarious blog
3. Writing in the Water - inspired writing
5. Doobleh-vay - each post is a new adventure
6. Robynsart - gorgeous work, deeply moving
7. Mama's Village - scrumptous, inspiring tidbits
Thank you again for thinking of me and the incredible artists who make the Thursday Sweet Treat such a beautiful place.
Please visit these artists and their blogs and share a little love!
Thanks for posting those blogs! I have all sorts of new stuff to read now :)
Frenzy23 - you are very welcome...I will be adding more as I finish the switch over to a new platform...I have all sorts of fun things coming ...I swear it's coming soon hahaha I know good things come to those who wait but I'm impatient! Anyhoo, there will be more to play with, read, think about...happy reading for now :)
New platform, how exciting.
I love a lot of these people listed here. I have been sorely lacking in time and focus to visit everyone though-- oh, like your guilt for not giving people enough attention. yipes.
Must come back and explore the rest of these. Thanks.
Kyoolies! :-) Awesome places to visit, awesome stuff to read. :-D
Will do. I actually think I have a few things this week - apparently letting yourself off the hook really helps. :-D
Safe Journeys of both body & soul tomorrow!!! :-)
thanks you so much for the award, I have to get off here my son's waiting on the computer, but I'll be back to get it this evening-it made my day so much better though!
it has been too long, hasn't it?! how have you been? I'm feeling better, still run down, but I'm not sure if that is from the sinus infection or stress-but I'm playing with paints every night, and that helps. I'll be back to catch up as soon as I can-take care and have a great evening!
Natasha darling, how enormously kind of you to include/invite me to play. xo. It's been such a beautiful day, and now you add the icing. Gracias. I'm going to spend some time here tomorrow, read the rules and play. I promise. Sweet dreams. And yay to your new place here! xo
I had a lot of fun learning more about you Natasha! :)
Rowena - I love seeing you here..and love that you know many of these fine folks. I want you to know that it's completely understandable that you have been a little MIA...you opened a shop, your raising your children...be kind to you. You are missed when you are away and cherished when you return...and always will be....hugs to you!
Bird - you give me wings to fly...I love that....thank you for the well wishes and I can't wait to see your creations....I know they'll make spirits soar!
trish - hello sweet lady! How great to see you...I'm glad you are healing...stress..seems to be around us all...come play here it will help you to lose that :) heheh speaking of playing I love that you are playing with paints every night...that makes me dance. I am well...crazy as always and still trying to find my way but honestly enjoying the journey (even the rough spots which have been a few lately). I hope you will join in and share your work soon...till then I send you happy, creative hugs :)
village mama - you are like a warm breeze right off the ocean...SO wonderful to see you here...did you add anything to your lists today...like chocolate?? LOL! I'm over the moon that you are going to play...wait till you meet the brilliant, beautiful souls here and they meet you..it is such fun...oh Mama you are in for a treat! Dancing and celebrating
Rose Works Jewelry - how are you?? I miss you...things have been a little upside down so I've been missing Blockhead, the crew, you..very much ...thanks for being here, playing, cheering, partaking in my insanity and making me smile!!
What a great surprise!
You can’t imagine how you made my day.
I’m totally new to this whole thing and you recognizing it make it worthwhile.
I love your “home”. You’re inviting all of us and engaging us at the same time.
There’s nothing like Sharing Love, fun and happiness – cause you’ll get more of it in return!
I’m definitely be knocking on everyone's door on your list.
This is worth sneaking a few minutes from my Holy Week sabbatical.
I’ll see you again tomorrow.
Big hugs and kisses.
PS – Ditto #7 and #8
Oh I had no idea that you've given me a blog award until I read you comment. LOL Thank you sooo much! I'm honored that you'd pick me. Now you've put me in an awkward position to chose 5 Fab bloggers! How will I ever choose! They're all wonderful! *gulp* Well I'll make it.
Thanks again and keep on being positive you! I always look to your blog for inspiration and motivation. ^_^
That's it, we must have been seperated at birth...I thought I was the only one who tried to get to Narnia. Repeatedly. And as for DWTS, if they were ever to call, I'd be on the next plane, LOL!
Was great to read your list - and no, that child from nursery school still remembers, but you've given him a fabulous story for the day he decides to write his memoirs!
Thanks so much for the recognition.
It definitely made my week.
I checked a few of your recommendations and everyone's amazing.
I have to take time to sit, sip a cup of tea and just read ..
I love your "home" and how you share your brilliance to everyone.
You're definitely awesome!
I am so honored!!! xoxooxoxox thank you so very much. Love it here.
Thank you much for mentioning me here. And I needed the reminded about this blog too because I do enjoy it but lately have been too frazzled to think much less visit interesting people.
I'm going to list this blog on mine so I don't forget again and I'll be back this weekend to catch up.
You rock, of course.
Natasha - thank you so much, really touched x Now see where you have been - awesome blog, inspired by all this creativity! :)
Jenjen - you are a riot...I love that 7 and 8 are the same for you! It's makes me feel more sane..or insane...I don't know anymore...you are awesome, you deserve the award and I'm so glad you've come to this "home"...it's my fav place :)
Mics AKA Lunatiger - you made me laugh out loud...you totally deserve it and it's SO hard to choose...I know exactly how you feel...thanks for being a part of this and for inspiring me!
Michelle - you also made me laugh out loud...now all I can think of is that kid ...now a man, either telling the story over beers and making even crazier or telling it to girls to make them feel bad for him as a way to get them to fall for him LOL! As for separated at birth, I'm with ya...hopefully we'll all meet one day and after some drinks we can take turns calling DWTS to convince them that we are super fab and they NEED us to be on their show and if that doesn't work we'll tell them we found a way to Narnia and then they'll definitely want us on there...I just made myself laugh out loud
amy turn sharp of doobleh-vay - rock on! How awesome to see you here..you so deserve it and I'd LOVE to see you play..how are ya??
mapelba - hello, hello, hello...I've missed you...you rock for coming to play! How are you? Do you have a show coming up?? We need to catch up and I hope you will be back to play...I think you'd love it here!
Kate Lord Brown - HUGE hug!! I'm so glad you came to visit...how are you? We need a good blether...you deserve it...please come play and share ... I will be by much more xoxoxo
Thanks Natasha! it was great fun choosing five bloggers to pass the love on to.
hey Natasha! I came back to get my award, but my computer is acting up, it won't let me save the image so I can post it:( I'm going to try restarting it and do disk scan or something -I think it needs to be looked at, but I hope I'm wrong-seems like it's acting screwier every day) didn't want you to think I forgot about it-
hope you are having a great Friday!!
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