Which would you be...an archaeologist or a meteorologist?

A pair of human skeletons lie in an eternal embrace at an Neolithic archaeological dig site near Mantova, Italy, in this photo released February 6, 2007. Archaeologists in northern Italy believe the couple was buried 5,000-6,000 years ago, their arms still wrapped around each other in a hug that has lasted millennia. Image Credit: REUTERS/Enrico Pajello/Handout (ITALY)

Well. If I'd had any doubts before, that incredible picture of the "eternal hug" convinced me. I'm sure most archaeologists work all their lives without finding anything nearly that significant--but that possibility, that elusive "maybe," would always exist.
I have always wanted to be an archaeolgist since I was 7 years old and did research on the Aztecs...yep, geeky girl here:)
Funky Monkey Girl,
Amanda - I'm with you...this hug rips my heart out of my chest I am so moved by it...love - romantic, platonic, familial...it is all we leave with ..what a gift AND the idea of history ..discovering lures me in..
FunkyMonkeyGirls - well then you are a geek after my own heart ..I'm with you...I am fascinated by the idea of unearthing pieces of lives that lived before us and learning the stories of the people
I still love learning about people in different cultures etc. That is what was so awesome about moving! I am learning more and more about the Mexican culture and now I am going to explore more about the Indian culture as well.
This is my red/green pepper necklace in my icon. That was the only way this non computer person could figure it out to get on here LOL!
Funky Monkey girl,
I have no idea at this time in my life, but holy cow, that photo just blows me away!
Archeologist for me too.. I'm fascinated by the thousands of years history and how people have created such different cultures but yet also are very similar in many aspects... love as it seems is one of them....
Oh definitely archeologist. I was a history major in college and took a lot of anthropology classes, but I was always fascinated by archeology ever since I saw an article in National Geographic about Pompei. Great picture. Thanks for sharing.
I'm a total history geek; many participants consider living history to be "experiential archaelogy" and I agree - I've learned so many details by my imperfect attempts to truly live the day to day routine of the past.
Wow! what an incredible picture!
Very kyool pic. :-) Since I first saw the pic, I've always wondered why they were buried that way - what unique set of circumstance allowed that to happen.
And the romantic in me hopes that it really was true love, not some more mundane reason that it happened this way. :-)
To answer the question - neither really. I care far more for the living than the dead. I do enjoy the 'why' of what people do tho', so I guess of the two, archeologist would be closer, tho' I've never cared for the conditions nor the slower-than-snail's-pace that is req. Looking at the results is fun, tho'! :-D
BB & GF! :-)
It's hard to say. I think weather people are enjoying a real surge in respect, unfortunately due to global warming, on the other hand I participated in an archeological dig back in highschool and loved it.
The mere act of getting dirty and finding bits and pieces of things that you can imagine and wonder about is so delicious!
FunkyMonkey Girls - I LOVE th originality of that piece!! I'm so glad you shared it..woohoo...everyone needs to check it out....and where are you now that you will be exploring the Indian culture? I love cultural exploration - what fun!
lifeartdesigns - I'm with you - that picture, the whole idea is captivating
Meekiyu - I loved your comment - it's so true ..I think it's amazing that people can fight over little differences when there are so many similarities across so many areas in life....so well put! Great to see you here ...how have you been??
jodi - Pompeii is a place I've always wanted to visit...I am fascinated by it ...National Geographic addict here by the way! Hahahaa
Mackin-Art - your comment was brilliant...I must have re-read it a hundred times..I like the idea of "living history to be "experiential archaelogy" ...that's food for thought and can you expand a little on what you meant by "I've learned so many details by my imperfect attempts to truly live the day to day routine of the past." I totally curious!
Joyce - it'sbeen ages! How are you? I've missed you..what's new?? This picture...there are no words...I mean you can feel the emotion!
Phoenyx Ravenswing - YAY! So awesome to see you back here..how are you?? I agree and hope that it is true love...and yes the results are spectacular
Jennifer - how are you?? What's new?? Did you ever pick up your award here?? I hope you know you got one...love your blogs...and where did you dig in high school? How awesome...yes the weather and all the weather folks are center stage with all the wather craziness...I'd want to know the weather so I could dig hahahaha
wow - what a bunch of geeks! hehehe not even - see I'd say archeologist - but mostly because I love playing in the dirt! How else can an adult play in the dirt without getting funny looks - gardening is one way lolo
no,,,, I'm kidding (sort of) our connections with the past form our connections with the future.
HI BIRD!!! Nice to see you here again!
Not sure if I'll be able to tell weather accurately;
The 2 skeletons have 2 meanings - it depends on how you see things I guess..It's either eternal love or they're both saying "You want a piece of me?" (lol)...
It's a difficult pick, they're both fascinating. But that photo has me leaning towards archeologist. Sitting in a history lecture bores me to death, but actually unearthing things like that, that would be amazing.
Wow - how cool is that to be locked in an eternal embrace? I would totally love archeology except dust and I don't get along...
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