1. I am sorry for not being around in the comments or on email. I got caught up in two projects but will be resurfacing :) I LOVE everything you guys share...truly, truly!
2. There were folks who were working hard to submit this week but ran out of time. In answer to your questions, there will be a mini-Monthly. In fact, let's make this an official call for the Mini-Monthly. Please have your pieces in no later than the end of the day on Sunday, June 28th for the Mini-Monthly on Monday, June 29th.
This week felt like ...magic. The pieces created not only radiate a sense of fun, there is a clear sense of freedom here. Each artist allowed themselves the time to play and let color move them. They reached inside themselves and brought out true joy. What amazes me even more is that there is a feeling of movement in every piece. The colors, the joy, the celebration in each work made this one of my favorite weeks here, by far! These creative, amazing, giving, talented, professional artists turned the colors within their soul into a present for you to carry in your heart and mind...is there anything better?
Grab my hand, let's dance among the colors......
Kittydesigns created this truly stunning piece.
H. G. Wells, lecture at Royal Institution of London, 1902
Amanda, creator of Persistent Green, created this spectacular 8x8 watercolor and ink on canvas board titled, "Celebrate Today."
“Natasha's lovely theme of whirling colors immediately made me think of joy and celebration (even before I saw her post about the Celebration Revolution!). I created this cheerful, colorful painting in an attempt to mirror those feelings," said Amanda. "Are you celebrating today? Why not? :)”
Agathe, creator of Meherio68, created this gorgeous piece with a fabulous name.
"I have long wanted to use these large, vintage beads and I thought of them the minute I read your post about the colour theme," said Agathe. "Hence the large but lofty, colourful earrings that I called "Great Balls of Colour".
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Blog : http://lebarduvent.blogspot.com/
Steph, creator of A Paper Buffet, created this simply wonderful piece.
"Fairy Belle reminds me of a fire fly; I picture her flying through the night, illuminating the dark blue sky and lighting our way to happiness," said Steph.
"Over an hour of colouring to get her colours perfect, and using nail scissors to make sure each detail was captured, Fairy Belle will be for sale in my Etsy store: www.apaperbuffet.etsy.com and her tag can be personalized for your own little Belle."
Kelly, creator of Backward Glances, created this sensational piece.
"What do you do?" is a common enough question. Imagine being able to answer,"I fly kites." Every summer, a few young people here have the job of flying huge fanciful kites with all matters of added adornments - flashes of color and movement against the blue of sky and water and my inspiration for this challenge," said Kelly.
"I started with a photo of a multi-colored tail that had been attached to a huge kite. I've been experimenting with computer enhancing/altering of photos - here's a couple different versions of the same image."
Marja, creator of Glass Elements, created this truly phenomenal piece titled, Sunrise over Melbourne. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=26949974
"I just knew I had to find time to participate this week - the photos posted for this theme immediately brought back memories of living in Melbourne, Australia last year," said Marja. "We were staying in an apartment on the 10th floor with no other large buildings blocking our view. One early morning, before I was fully caffeinated, I was shocked to see these gorgeous and colorful hot air balloons wafting toward our building. They were rising out of the horizon and marching toward us – on there way to take in the gorgeous sunrise on a beautiful day. After the initial shock, it was a glorious thing to witness – and to look for on all the following early mornings.
This pendant captures those memories with its color – swirling pinks and golds of a beautiful sunrise over a bright blue sky – and its balloon like shape."
Felicia Kramer, creator of Another Bright Idea, created this magnificent piece titled, “Kaleidoscope of Color”.
"When I first heard this theme I was a little stumped for ideas," said Felicia. "Then I remembered a line from one of Natasha’s poems (“And There Were Wings”) that has stuck with me since I read it: “That’s when I saw you balancing on a high wire without a net while painting the sky in a kaleidoscope of color …” (I’m beginning to think that Natasha is my muse!) This is a digital collage print using my background images in layers and then applying Photoshop effects."
Bird, creator of KittyHawke, created this fabulous piece.
"I did in fact manage to create a piece this week. Many thanks to my wonderful hubby, Mike, for taking the pics for me. :-)"
"Okay, I admit it. I'm a coloraholic," said Bird. "And I don't plan on stopping any time soon. :-D This piece reflects that sometimes excessive love of color that I have. A lady in her best summer hat goes to the market to shop. What colors will she choose? There is such a lovely selection of them from which to choose. But how can she choose? And why does she need to choose? :-P So... she will happily take them all into her life. :-)"
In all the time that I have been playing on the TST, I have lived dream after dream. Armed with your creative inspiration, support and love, I have jumped headfirst into making lifelong dreams come to life. For that, I am so very thankful.
This week something happened. Let me backtrack for a moment..about a month ago I was at a benefit for children with learning differences. One of the things they had setup for people was a table to make a bag. You took a blank tote and covered it in all sorts of wonderful things. I was in the middle of making one for my daughter when I stopped, looked around the room and thought, "This is what I want." In that moment I found myself and I knew that deep down in the core of me I wanted to write and create art. I've always known it but for the first time, I let it really sink in and make a home in my heart, mind, body and soul.
When it came to the "how" part, I was still at a bit of a loss. Then this week, it clicked. Choosing to play as part of Rowena's 100 of 100 and responding to this theme I lept into the creative abyss ....and I found me. This is what I want to do. I want to create journals - blank and inspirational - and portable creative playgrounds for people.
I'm sorry for writing so much but it is important for me to share this with you. Without all of you, without this place I might not have made it here. This is the first in a series of journals. This one is filled with inspirational thoughts, prompts for writing AND creating art and it's sealed with lots of love. This is me ....this is where my heart is...who knew?
These will come in two forms - blank journal and mini-playground journals (they are filled with fun inspiration similar to what you see here only a bit more expanded.)
(Insert smile right here)

Intro Page

It reads: "To stop and marvel at the wild, electric colors all around you is to be present in life....Be present now...PLAY!"
Sample Fun Prompt

It reads: "BLUE What's the first thing that comes to mind? Draw or write it."
There are tons this is just a silly little one.
Copyright © Natasha Reilly 2009.
Don't you feel like you just ran through a waterfall of color??
Please share your thoughts, ask the artists questions, leave a comment and some love here. Then, go visit them at their shops and blogs, share some more and tell a friend! Thanks so much for visiting!!
Oh the gorgeous colours and the freedom of it all, indeed! So much joy shared her. Love it!
meherio68 - it was SO great to see you back here this weekend! I cannot even tell you how much I love thoe rich color of those earrings and the name was simply brilliant!
I hope that what I wrote about my piece made sense...I am still doing PR and marketing and all that but in terms of what I want to make...well, this sums it up YIIIPPPPEEE
Now, that was a fantastic way to begin my day! As you all know, I'm color-addicted too...so this was like going on a shopping spree in a candy store. :) I couldn't possibly pick a favorite.
Although--Tash, I am SO delighted by your journals! Those are the "aha" moments that some people wait all their lives to receive...when you hear one, listen to it, right?? I'm so glad you're listening to yours. Woohoo!
Amanda - I thought of you all throughout this week...I know how much you love color and love the way it presents itself in your work..this week was no exception...I can't get that Celebrate Today image out of my head...I love it...it makes me think of summer days and playing in the ocean! Love it AND congrats on your poem...I read it and it moved me ..truly ...I am going to comment but everyone should read it!! And thank you for the comment on my journals...I feel something inside a tingling so I'm going with it ...hope it's an aha moment hehehe
Beautiful again you guys! Natasha, I love the journal!!
I'm running in 14 different directions today, so this will be quick. Once again, a beautiful show of talent. Every week it amazes me to see the different approaches and media used to express the theme, but when you look at each one you say, "yes, that's exactly it!" Great job, everyone!
Felicia - do you know that I have an email to you in my drafts folder that's been there since before you went to your sisters?? I LOVE being your muse...you totally made my day..thank you so very much AND you might be mine as well because the moment you make something I start to write heheeheh....I LOVE this piece...the colors are stunning ..the way to image of the tightrope walker stands out is phenomenal...love it all...good luck with all you have on your plate today
Will come back later for a more detailed look & report, but know this all you wonderful TST-ers - I've def. gotten my dose of color for the day from you & that is a most wonderful thing! Thank you all! :-)
Natasha, kyool on you for discovering the journals! :-) On a personal note, glad to read that you are going to be continuing the marketing/PR work tho'. I'm very much looking forward to your help in taking my businesses to the next level & beyond! :-D
BB & GF, All! :-)
Thanks, Natasha. I would be happy to be your muse - I love your writing! I hope your email to me wasn't to tell me not to eat or drink too much with my sister, or not to stress my back with too much activity. Because I did all that! I wrote up my trip on my blog. Take a look if you can find a spare moment. HA.
Bird - I can't wait to help you take your biz to the next level - what fun!!!!! And thanks for the comments on the journal....I LOVED your piece...I loved the colors but I especially loved what you wrote....so true...
Felicia - You are WAY too funny....no my email - which I will send later is about how you should eat, drink and be merry hehehehe...but to watch out for your back...see I should have sent it hehehe...will be by later...you made melaugh so hard
Wow, magnificent pieces everyone!
Time to celebrate!!!
Natasha, I love what you did and what you're accomplishing. No need to apologize for the explanation - I love reading what goes through that amazing brain and HEART of yours!
I love that you have both scenarios - a blank canvas and a playground! Amazing!!!!
Felicia, I'm a total fan!I'm amazed at what you can do with the computer!
Marja, stunning glass pendant. I just checked your etsy site you have unique gems. Do you make the gems yourself?
Steph, nice to "meet" you here at TST. Love the fairy belle.
Bird, welcome back!
Hectic as usual. Back to back graduation, flu, birthdays and anniversaries... I'm starting to sound like my mom "I have so much to do" as she often reminds me and my brothers every morning :)
Colourful!!!!!!!! lol
@Amanda, I love your "greens", that looks like a perfect cover for a precious sketchbook. Pretty!
@Agathe, those earings are beautiful. They would go perfect with some nice light summer dress (hippy style:).
@Steph is that like a greetings card? It looks so cute.
@Kelly that blue is awesome!
@Marja I love the name of your piece. Looking at it I can just smell the beach.
@Felicia your piece is so pshychodelic. Whirling in it's true meaning.
@Bird, I love your female Indiana Jones. Has style and attitude!
@And that awesome book at the end...goooosh, !
I feel energized just looking at your pieces. Thanks guys:)
Natasha - it's your blog! You can write as much as you want- besides I love reading what you write - you're honesty is so touching - and your discovery brought tears to my eyes! Happy tears! I love the journals!!!
Bird - so nice to have you back with such a delightfully colorful piece and kudos to Mike for the pics!
Felicia - aw what a wonderful collage of swirling color with the tightrope walker!
Marja - ooooh that is soo pretty - sort of reminds me of our sunsets!
Kelly - oh how fun getting paid to fly a kite! the kite tails - what a fun way to illustrate this theme!
Steph - such a cute little FairyBelle!
Agathe - "Great Balls of Color" they are!!!!
Amanda - wonderful celebration of colors and today!
Kittydesigns - that's so cool!
Well, I had a very good idea, went to the store to pick up a few things - came home sat down at my table plugged in my soldering iron, and 5 minutes later, it's still cold! Checked to make sure the outlet is working - it is, plugged it back in again - nope - still cold! Got another soldering iron, but not in enough time for today - maybe by sunday night!
Wonderful creations everyone!
Kittydesigns, I'm curious, what's your medium? It has a stunning result and I love the quote (ok...I may have had to read it a few times lol, but still).
I loved Amanda's, it reminded me of RENT :)
Agathe, those are adorable earrings. I love the chubby roundness of the red beads.
A Paper Buffet-I don't think I'd have the patience to use nail scissors to add every little detail. That's impressive.
Kelly's photograph was my favorite. It's so simple and says so much.
GlassElements-I love how you can see almost every color in that pendant.
Felicia's was another favorite. It's almost a peaceful version of the Scream (if that exists). The swirling sky looks so powerful and bigger than life.
Bird, I love the little hat detail. I'm a color-aholic, too :)
Natasha I love love love your journal. It is everything that TST means to me, prompting and inspiring creativity with a fun, colorful atmosphere.
I miss playing. My work is in a local fashion show next month and I'm hoping *fingers crossed* to get into a Columbus art show, but I'll be back to playing soon :)
Kitty, what a creation! Just checked your blog and it’s cool;
Amanda, what a happy mix;
Agathe, truly catchy name – and lovely gem;
Kelly, your piece makes me want to jump high and celebrate; - Just checked your blog and what a great shot of double birdie!
Bird, it was a moment to remember being able to “touch” your creations and see them with my own eyes! Say hi to Kitty and Mike!
Great job everyone!
Hi All! What lovely creations this week - so full of life and color - I love it! Its like I'm floating in a hot air balloon right now.
Jenjen - thanks so much and yes, I handcraft each fused glass piece. It is so much fun! :)
And, Natasha - please write away and share with us, we love to hear your thoughts and dreams. Never think you're writing too much! I love your journals - I need one, all my friends need one...
Wow. Love the color this week. Great job everyone.
OK, I got through yesterday but got through only about half of my to-do list. Isn't it always that way? I did want to come back and comment on Natasha's "another bright idea." I LOVELOVELOVE the journal idea! It's like a portable TST, with the word prompts. I'm partial to the combo of words and images and Natasha is uniquely qualified to do both. You go, girl!
I love everyone's entries! I hope to finally get mine photo'd tonight so I can enter it in the mini-monthly! And I LovE The journals :D
Responding a bit late - it's been a killer week!.
Agathe, so glad to see your work again and I love the title.
Felicia, your's is my favorite this week, for me, creating is often a tightrope walk.
Natasha, I've never been able to discipline myself to journal, and I know it can be an incredibly useful practice - maybe I could with one of your journals!
I'm so happy to be back playing along with TST, I've missed you all!
All the pieces were beautiful, I loved all the colour.
Gorgeous! the lot of them!!
oh, and someone asked if Fairy Belle is a greeting card...yup she is :) (sorry, I forgot to say that in my blurb, lol)
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