I used to think as I looked at the Hollywood night, “there must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie star.” - Marilyn Monroe
Probably all of us imagined being a leading lady at one time or another.
Who would you star as ...

Ilsa in “Casablanca” …
Or Holly Golightly in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s?”
Or is there another movie you dreamed of playing the lead in?
Checking to make sure all is working well on Natasha's site. These are two of my favorite movies but I still can't decide which role I would want! Ingrid Bergman was so sadly gorgeous in Casablanca, but Audrey Hepburn was absolutely delightful as Holly. I think I would want to be parts of both.
That's a hard choice. I think I'd have to pick Audrey Hepburn. She is just lovely.
Hmmm - I always fancied myself more as the lead in My Fair Lady :)
I have a feeling many more movies would pop into mind, the longer I thought about it . .. but right now, I'd love to be Maria in The Sound of Music (especially if that meant I could actually be able to SING)!!!
Jodi - I have trouble too - tough choice! Wow - My Fair Lady and The Sound of Music! Two more of my favorites. I would be embarrassed to tell you how many times I have watched Sound of Music. Christopher Plummer was just delicious in it.
Hi Felicia!
I would have to say without a doubt that I would want to be Nora Charles from the Thin Man movies. She was gorgeous, smart and funny with an endless supply of the most elegant clothes. They were always involved in something exciting and I loved their clever little dog, Asta.
I think you stumped me with this one, Felicia! I've never really wanted to be an actress at all. Instead, my dream has always come from the writing side of things. I wouldn't mind at all writing a blockbuster... ;)
Janet - I remember the Thin Man movies - they were such a fantastic couple.
Yep, Amanda, I have fantasized about writing a blockbuster too - but I take it a step further and star in the movie made from my book! HAHA! If you saw me you would know how far away I am from being a movie star ...
I would love to be Audrey Hepburn in any of her films, or in her life for she was such a great person, but I feel more like an Ava Gardner (in "Pandora")...
Felicia this is a fantastic question. Let's see I would have to say Audrey Hepburn. I've loved her in so many movies however there are many roles I've wanted to play. I've wanted to be a villian in a film just because it looks like fun to be naughty in a movie. This question has actually brought about very interesting questions for me about being a leading lady in life. Hmmm this is so thought provoking .. I have. Feeling I will be writing about this,Muse. LOL ok way too long an swer I will just say Audrey in Breakfast...I adores her but Aqua's mention of Maria in Siund of Music is awesome too and I'd love to habg with that family LOL
Lol I was rushing before and I'm not on a computer but I meant Maria and the Sound of Music I'd love to hang with the Van Trapp family
LOL - Natasha, with that typing I just figured you were enjoying your time off with a margarita or two or three ...
Apologies for not replying sooner. Brain and body have not been altogether in harmony of late, so to speak. :-D
Do want to thank both you and Amanda for giving us kyool postings while Natasha was on vacation. Did read even when I couldn't find the words to post, and it was very lovely to have these posts to look at. :-)
To answer the question, I can't disconnect from my own time & worldview enough not to want to slap Ilsa silly, so of the two, Ms Golightly. :-D Not remembering the film well, but I do know that I at least didn't have that visceral reaction to it. :-D
I admit, I too love fiery female characters. Go Liza!!! :-D And yay, you, Maria, for b/c okay w/change once forced into it! :-) (Oh, how I can relate to that one! *ouch!* :-D)
Overall, I'm w/Amanda. Writing = happiness. Screenwriting = more so. :-D
Natasha, I love your comment about learning to be a leading lady in RL. I hadn't thought of it that way b/f, but what lovely languaging for the process many of us are going through right now. :-)
Is there an inspirational book in your future, Natasha? Imo, if not, there should be. :-)
BB & GF! :-)
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