Friday, October 30, 2009

Theme 40: Messy Hands

How you choose to interpret the theme is completely up to you. It simply needs to be tasteful – no pornography or messages of hate here. When you sit down to create, you cannot think about how people will or will not receive your work. You are required to simply enjoy the act of creating.

Charlie's Birthday
© Judy Beedle Photography

Whether you take a photo of your hands while they are creating a new piece or you find some amazing way of celebrating the beauty of hands - look at how they allow you to create gorgeous works - celebrate hands. Paint them, let them mash clay, cover them in tape, write on them, let them play with a material you never use - just get them really dirty!!!

Important Guidelines

The work submitted must be something you have created and/or worked on between the time the theme was revealed and the Thursday unveiling. Please submit your response to no later than end of day Wednesday, November 4th if you would like it to be posted on Thursday, November 5th. OR send me a link to your response to include in the comments section of the post.

With your response please include:

1. Your name - either first name, shop name or both.

2. The name of your piece (if you choose to give it one)

3. Something you'd like to share (process of creation, idea behind piece) if you'd like to share anything. Please limit this to 2-3 sentences

4. The shop and/or blog links you'd like to include

5. Two photos of your piece or of each of the pieces (3x5 or 4x6 and 72dpi or a max of 96dpi - if you need any help with that please don't worry I'd be happy to help!)

Most importantly, get messy, get dirty and have a blast doing it!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sensational Artists Invite You to Believe in Angels

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Well folks the new site is just about done and will be revealed in November after my move is over. I ask you to bear with me as my posts may be a little spotty. I won't be connected right away but as soon as I am back up and running you will all be the first to know. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Angels. They mean so many things to people. For some they are beings of light with wings and for others angels are friends. These talented, amazing, professional artists shared their ideas in works that are simply unforgettable.

I invite you to spend a little time basking in the beauty of angels and the amazing artists who shared their vision of them......

Maureen, a talented artist, created this gorgeous 9 X 9 watercolor.

"I realize my submission (9x9 watercolor with wax resist) might look like it was meant for LAST week's topic of stars . .. but no, this is really and truly my "angel" submission!" said Maureen. "Angels for me are thoughts from God, and they very often come to me in the dark times, and they bring light."

Althea, creator of Salvaged Expression, created this sensational piece.

"I call this "When we fly together." Basically it's just a memory of playing on rock outcrops as a child and a certain leap I loved," said Althea. "I realized too late that my submission this week seems to be my take on Natasha's journal last week! I'm not sure the marker worked out so if anyone has any input there let me know!

Amanda, creator of Persistent Green, created this phenomenal mixed media art journal page, in acrylic paint, ink, and tissue paper.

"Angels to me have always been those little whispering messages--sometimes they keep me out of harm's way, or they're urging me down a new creative path, or guiding me to just the right place at the right time," said Amanda. "The most important thing, I think, is being open and receptive enough to hear those little angel whispers. This art journal page explores finding a way to listen through the static of everyday life.

Felicia Kramer, cretor of Another Bright Idea, created these stunning pieces titled, “Littlest angel” and “Angel tidings”.

"This might not be quite what you had in mind with this theme, but I took it literally," said Felicia. "Last year I was an Etsy newbie and wasn’t quite prepared for the holidays, so I was determined to be ready this time. For the last two months I have been immersed in creating Christmas items, and this week I have been working on Christmas cards. I’m using photos of my own angel ornaments (I have quite a few), and enhancing the backgrounds with digital layering and effects. Feedback is welcome."

Littlest Angel

Angel tidings

Bird, creator of Crow Tarot, created more beautiful angels for the Guardian Angel series, a stellar Interactive Landscape Angel, and a wonderful Ooak angel.

"Some more additions to the series, plus the originals back again just to keep things complete," said Bird. "I originally thought there were only going to be 8 more, but nearly a dozen more came to me today, so the series expandeth ever outwards! :-D Not all were able to be completed today, but will be soon, and thence to the shoppe for selling. :-D"

top row: Wisdom Angel, Prosperity Angel, God/dess Angel, Harvest Angel, Angel of Good Will, Seeker Angel
bottom row: Angel of the Blessed Virgin, Power Angel, Angel of Potentiality, Angel of the Psychic Arts, Lovers' Angel, Angel of the Flowers

Interactive Landscape Angel

"The first draft of an angel for the interactive landscapes," said Bird. "The pattern needs some work, but is coming along. :-D"

"I love this OoaK angel," said Bird. "The head is a faceted amethyst bead, and the rose quartz dress seems to float along, complete with waves of fabric."

Doodlestar created this new journal cover.

"I painted this with acrylics but I'd love to use markers to have the same effect. Any suggestions? Feedback on this piece is appreciated."

This week, I looked around and found Angels among Etsy artist items. These folks do not know they are in the TST yet...I am going to write to surprise them. More artists to celebrate and invite to play - YAY!

Cat Angel (black and white) Heart Ornament

She Has Her Very Own Guardian Angel . . . it is a HANDMADE GREETING CARD for girls who need to know that someone is looking out for them.

After viewing this TST are you feeling inspired? Are you ready to dive in and start creating for the next theme??

Charlie's Birthday
© Judy Beedle Photography

Well, next week's theme is "Messy Hands."
Whether you take a photo of your hands while they are creating a new piece or you find some amazing way of celebrating the beauty of hands - look at how they allow you to create gorgeous works - celebrate hands. Paint them, let them mash clay, cover them in tape, write on them, let them play with a material you never use - just get them really dirty!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Celebrate This Artist, Maybeads!!

Do Your Business - Squirt the Dog and his Trusty Fire Hydrant Handmade Lampwork Bead Set

Maybeads is one of my favorite new haunts. I LOVE the pieces she creates. Each one has its own distinct personality. AND on her blog she recently talked about getting a start creating penguins from a tutorial of another artist. I like her willingness to share her process and progress. It's inspiring.

I invite you to check out her shop and blog and leave a little love!

SALE - Ghost and Bat Pair of Handmade Lampwork Beads

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Imagine This...

Hellooo are you?? Right now, I'm buried in boxes and the only things that can move - my fingers - are tap, tap, tapping away on this computer and waving hello to YOU!

It's official I don't like packing so I'm going to spend a little time dreaming here with you....

Would you rather ....

fly a fighter jet

take a trip in the Zero gravity plane

or drive a race car

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday to....

two fabulous TST-ers! Two amazing, talented, creative, truly, truly inspiring women celebrated their birthday last week and both of them got sick!!! I want to give a BIG, healing hug Birthday shout out to .....

Janet, creator of Janet Davies


Amanda, creator of Persistent Green who just celebrated her big 25th Birthday.

Sing with me....Happy, Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday dear amazing, senstional women,

Happy Birthday to YOU!!

May the year ahead hold magic, happiness, love and lots of laughter for you both.

Love and hugs to you from the TST!!

Please stop over to their blogs and leave a little love :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Theme 39: Angels

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The wonderfully talented and totally adorable Lauren, creator of Maybeads, chose me as one of the artists she featured in her awesome T-West. If you have a chance, please check out her shop AND the fabulous artists I was lucky enough to be feature along side.

Also, what makes you feel fully alive? I'd love to know so please feel free to stop by

How you choose to interpret the theme is completely up to you. It simply needs to be tasteful – no pornography or messages of hate here. When you sit down to create, you cannot think about how people will or will not receive your work. You are required to simply enjoy the act of creating.

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another. ~Luciano de Crescenzo

We have all had those moments when someone or something helped us in ways we can't quite explain. The friend that said the one thing we needed to hear without knowing we needed to hear it, the phone call that came just in the nick of time, or perhaps we have arrived some place at a time when we would be needed - right there and then. What do angels mean in your life...what do they feel like? Bring it to life!

Important Guidelines

The work submitted must be something you have created and/or worked on between the time the theme was revealed and the Thursday unveiling. Please submit your response to no later than end of day Wednesday, October 28th if you would like it to be posted on Thursday, October 29th. OR send me a link to your response to include in the comments section of the post.

With your response please include:

1. Your name - either first name, shop name or both.

2. The name of your piece (if you choose to give it one)

3. Something you'd like to share (process of creation, idea behind piece) if you'd like to share anything. Please limit this to 2-3 sentences

4. The shop and/or blog links you'd like to include

5. Two photos of your piece or of each of the pieces (3x5 or 4x6 and 72dpi or a max of 96dpi - if you need any help with that please don't worry I'd be happy to help!)

Most importantly, let angels sing and dance!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Stellar Artists Create Such Breathtaking New Works You'll Find Yourself Wishing For More

This week, talented, creative, amazing, professional artists not only made me consider why I wish on stars, they made me want to jump and leap beyond them. Each creation explores the idea and celebration of all that exists within each of us and all that exists beyond us. These submissions made me widen my lens and broaden my perspective even more. Thank you all for giving me, and all who view this Treat, the stars!

In addition, as I have begun working more on Process I want to share what it's like to explore that with all of you. I've started a discussion about it and would LOVE to hear from all of you.

Now, let us dance among the stars!!

Ruthie, creator of Rose Works Jewelry created this gorgeous "Stars Memory Wire Bracelet".

"This theme came at the perfect time for me!" said Ruthie. "I needed to make more bracelets to put in my consignment shop and this gave me a great idea for one to make. This piece isn't available on-line for that reason, but custom orders are always welcome!"

Amanda, creator of Persistent Green, created this stunning art journal page in watercolor, wax and ink.

"This dreamy theme was a perfect opportunity for me to play with art journaling," said Amanda. "Starry skies have always been magic to me. As part of my page reads, "Oceans apart, we look at the stars and are as one. We are never alone."

Althea, creator of Salvaged Expression, created these stellar pieces.

"This week I finally got a chance to let out an idea that had been knocking at the back of my brain for some time!" said Althea. "These magnets depict our solar system which remind me both of astronomy and astrology and the long tradition of people looking up and hoping to find answers."

Trina, creator of Woven Chains Jewelry, created this phenomenal piece.

"Stars have always inspired me to wish, to dream and to reach beyond them," said Trina. "From that wishing and dreaming came the idea for this necklace "Among the Stars"".

Teri, creator of Giraffe Label Designs, created this sensational "Out of this world" Maryanne clutch - maybe?

"I've been sitting on this theme all week, thinking it was great but not knowing where to go with it," said Teri. "So, I dug through my fabric bins and found this fabric - it is a metallic, crinkle textured satin and it looked very "astronaut" to me. So I started with that and this is what I ended up with!"

Felicia Kramer, creator of Another Bright Idea, created this magnificent piece titled, “In our stars”.

"When I saw the theme, the first thing that came to mind was this Shakespeare quote: “The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves if we are underlings.” – Shakespeare," said Felicia.

Maureen, a talented artist created this fabulous piece.

"Yes, I love the night sky and have often wished on the first star I saw . . . and yet my favorite star is still the sun . . so here's my 9x12 tribute," said Maureen.

Phoenx Ravenswing, creator of CrowTarot, created this fantastic piece.

"The first of what I am calling Interactive Landscapes was discovered for the cancer art request earlier this year," said Phoenix. "Even tho' that piece was not able to be finished in time, the concept it engendered is being both fun & exciting for me, and hopefully soon, for others as well. :-D As you can see from the back, the elements are designed to be taken off and rearranged as one sees fit, allowing for both fun & eduction in the creation of one's own landscape. With the fading daylight, I needed to take the picture early, ntm it seemed a good moment for an 'in-progress' pic. The flower has now been finished and added, and the piece is ready to go to its new home. :-D"

Phoenix Racenswing, creator of CrowTarot, created these beautiful pieces.

"Inspired by "Inspire Me Thursday"'s theme this week of 'Wings', in addition to this week's TST theme of 'In the Stars', it came to me that it was time to use these little wings I'd bought from a fellow Etsian earlier this year. So, I present to you..." said Phoenix.

1. Prosperity Angel - aventurine head & body - green for growth &; aventurine for prosperity - for prosperity & growth work of all kinds
2. God/dess Angel - iolite head & moonstone body - iolite for psychic connection & moonstone for the God/dess, in whatever form you see them - for reaching out to the God Consciousness in whatever form you perceive It
3. Harvest Angel - carnelian head & peach aventurine body - carnelian for balanced power and aventurine for Fortune - for aiding in the completion of cycles, whether creative, or life-related, or wherever else cycles are remaining unfinished and you would like to change that
4. Wisdom Angel - milk quartz & tiger's eye body - milk quartz for energy/power & tiger's eye for creative wisdom - a more general Angel for helping you to speak & act from a place of peace & serene wisdom

There will be more in the series, but these are the ones I have done so far. :-D

Doodlestar created this journal cover. I think I will be positioning the clous differently. I think I will make them like steps she is bounding up. What do you think? (Please join me for the Ning process discussion as well -
The words on the clouds read: "Dream Big", "Believe" and "Play Among the Stars"

This week, I looked around and found Stars among Etsy artist items. These folks do not know they are in the TST yet...I am going to write to surprise them. More artists to celebrate and invite to play - YAY!

Purple Night Sky with a Dapper Flying Bird

catch a star

After viewing this joyful TST are you feeling inspired and already dreaming? Are you ready to dive in and start creating for the next theme??

Well, the next theme is theme is.........."Angels".
We have all had those moments when someone or something helped us in ways we can't quite explain. The friend that said the one thing we needed to hear without knowing we needed to hear it, the phone call that came just in the nick of time, or perhaps we have arrived some place at a time when we would be needed - right there and then. What do angels mean in your life...what do they feel like? Bring it to life!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Celebrate This Artist, Stoopidgerl!

Today, I was sooo in the mood for some sparkle and color. So, imagine my delight when I stumbled upon this Stoopidgerl. I can now say, I'm a fan :)

Rainbow Bright - Resin Necklace

Doesn't this just make you happy??

Rock Star - Resin Brooch Pin

I invite you to visit this shop - look at everything with childlike's soo much more fun like that - and leave a little love !

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

TST Clinic

And soo...I am suspending the TST Clinic for a bit. I think that while everyone really wants to partake in it, time is a major factor. I don't want anyone to think that their shop or blog is not important - all of you are - it's simply that folks are so busy they don't have the time they'd like to have to comment and share.

The TST is going to go through a revolution - how long have I been saying that? I wish I'd never said that to you before. I'm sure you are like, "Riiight, we've heard this one before." However, it's true. My life has gone through such revolutions this year that it's taken longer for me to learn what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it. I'm ready to make the journey.

Process. I have not appreciated the process. I've been goal-oriented so as I was going through the process of learning about who I am and what I want to write and create, I got frustrated and stopped. Inaction is not a good thing for this little camper. I need to be creating even if I'm making mistakes and hating some pieces. It's through that action of creation that I grow and through sharing that I process what I am learning. So the TST is going to focus a bit more on process in some fun ways and bring play to life is a whole new way.

I ask you to bear with me if things don't work 100% the right way at first...I'm learning and I'll be asking for feedback. So, for now, I'd love some feedback on this post, the TST Clinic, process, etc.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for all your patience. Each step along this road is new :)